Charter 4- Loosen Up

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Tae POV...

Its been a week since me and Kay been in Atlanta and I couldn't be more happy. I love being here. Omari and I spoke about what happened between us. He apologized and I did too because I was honestly wrong for going off on him like that. I just haven't gotten over the fact Daquez isn't here. I know it's been a long time but he made me feel loved. I didn't even think I could fall in love with somebody before I met Daquez. Y'all just don't understand my feelings for him was much more than emotional and physical. I felt connected to him and I fell in love with him. I can't even think about getting with another dude yet. Everything has been going good so far with everything. I wanted to go back to the mall with Kay today. Omari was too tired to drive and my godfather was out as always he barely be at home lately. I got dressed and put on some ripped jean shorts that was tight,a white shirt and my white high top forces. "Come on Bestfriend we got to go" I yelled at her. "Alright give me ten minutes" she said putting on her pink converse shoes. "Okay I'm about to go to Omari for some money though" I said walking out of the room. "Alright I'll be in the car when you get done" she said putting on her lotion. "Aight cool" I said walking out of the room I went to Omari and I asked him for some money. He said okay and gave me 500 dollars for me and Kay to have for 3 weeks. I walked out and went out to the car and Kay was in there. I got in after and we pulled off and we didn't even want to go to the mall anymore. We just wanted to chill somewhere for right now. We didn't know anywhere else to go so we found a movie theatre. We went and saw "Ouija" it wasn't that bad as people made it seem. We had to be childish and play the racing games. I was having fun and I was chill. "Excuse me" this boy said standing next to me playing the game. "Yeah can I help you" I said pausing me game. "Be nice bitch" Kay whispered to me. "I don't mean to disturb you but I just had to tell you that you cute" he said sounding country as hell. He was about 5'9,muscular built,caramel skin and a smile to die for. "Thank you you are too" I said smiling. "Thanks but I was wondering what's your name" he said smiling. "Tae and yours is" I asked him. "Troy but my everybody call me Rock" he said laughing. "Okay how old are you" I said. I wouldn't mind getting to know Rock he seem cool as hell. I would want to know him on some friend stuff. "23 how old are you" he said. "Damn and I'm 18 my birthday August 29th" I said laughing. "What shawty I'm not too old for you am I" he asked me. "No I guess not" I said blushing. "What you blushing for shawty oh damn you got dimples" he said to me coming closer to me. "You just funny and yeah I do" I said. "Well can I get your number or something" he said taking out his phone. "Only if you tell us where some cool hang out spots at" Kay interjected. She made me mad as hell when she did that. I hate when she do that shit I swear I do. She needs to let me handle some business by myself sometimes. I know we thick as thieves but damn bitch. "Well my homie having this party right now at his house y'all can come through" he said to her. "Alright can we go Tae" Kay asked me. "I don't know Bestfriend" I said sad. "Please shawty come for me" Rock said touching my hand. "Alright I guess we can go" I said sighing. I really wanted to go I needed some liquor bad. I wanted to get fucked up tonight. We got up and left to go to the party. We followed Rock there while he was in his truck. We pulled up to this house it wasn't the best looking house but you know I don't judge. It was a little run down and looks like it could cave in with one sneeze but like I said I'm not judging. We got out and Rock came up to us and said "So y'all ready now people in here is y'all age and up so it'll be cool Tae you can stay by me because nigga in here be acting crazy" he said grabbing my hand. I started blushing hard as a motherfucker. "Well damn you worried about him what about me" Kay said. We started laughing hard as hell. "Oh damn my bad you can stay around us too if you want" he said grinning. "Alright let's go" I said pulling her with me. We went into the party and it stunk with weed and liquor. Rock got behind me and we walked together with Kay holding on to my shirt. This place was crowded like a concert or something. "What's up my homie Rock who your friends especially thickums right here" this light skin dude said reffering to me. Thickums I wanted to smack the fuck out of him I'm thick all over so that mean I'm fat nigga the fuck he thought. "This my new little shawty Tae and his Bestfriend Kay" Rock said shaking this dude hand. "Oh damn bro this you I ain't know but I'm Jaymie its nice to meet y'all" Jaymie said shaking our hands. He kept looking at me I felt awkward. "Alright bro have you seen Mike" Rock asked him. "Yeah he in the kitchen with Nellz" he said walking away because some girl was pulling him with her. "Alright bro be easy" Rock said getting from behind me and taking my hand so we can go to the kitchen. We walked into the kitchen and it looked like heaven. ALCHOL AND LIQUOR.!!!!!!! "What's up Rock who they is" this short dude said standing up to dap Rock. "These my new friends Tae and Kay" he said pointing at us. "Hey" me and Kay said at the same time. We was standing there like we didn't belong here. I knew I belonged at that liquor table right now. "Y'all these my friends Rome, Jamell, Nellz and Mike" Rock said introducing them. Rome was okay looking, 5'6,darkskin, snake bite piercings and skinny. He looked cool as hell. Jamell was lightskin, 6'0,pretty hazel eyes, low cut afro, and was built a bit. Nellz looked like he was a damn kid. Caramel skin,fade haircut, skinny as hell, 5'4 and he looked adorable. Mike was the finest one of them all. He was 6'4,chocolate complexion,tattoos all over his body,muscular, with a beautiful smile, and brown eyes and he had dreads. Lord bless the prophet because he was life. "What's up y'all can go get a drink if y'all want to" Mike said to us. We walked over and started to take shots of vodka. I wanted to get drunk tonight because its been awhile. After about four shots I was good. Kay ass kept going though. I got some vodka with cranberry juice to mix it with in a red cup. I stood by Kay I until this boy came up to us and spoke. "Oh my god I had to come tell you I love yall outfits" he said in a happy tone. I know I'm not the most friendly person but he was a bit to happy for me. "Thank you boo" Kay said happy. "Thanks" I said giving him a fake smile. "My name Terry and y'all names are" he said. "I'm Kay and this my Bestfriend Tae" Kay said. "Bestfriends? I would have thought y'all was brother and sister or cousins" he said chuckling. I got a bad vibe from this dude but I'll give him a chance for now. "So y'all not from around here" he said sitting down. We sat down with him. "How you figure that" I asked him. "I can just tell when somebody isn't originally from the south its in their voices" he said laughing. I don't know what the hell was so funny. "Oh okay so how old are you" Kay asked him. "I'm 20 and y'all are" he asked us. "We both 18" I said. "Okay when y'all birthdays" he asked Kay. "Mines is December 27th" Kay said. "Oh cool" he said to her. "Oh yeah and mines is August 29th" I said interjecting. "Okay so it's coming up" Terry said to me smiling. "Yeah it is" I said getting happy. We talked until Rock came up to me and took me outside with him. I wasnt drunk but I had a serious buzz. We went to his car to go to the store. "So you enjoying yourself" he asked me pulling off. "Yeah I guess so" I said to him. "Look I'm gone tell you something stay away from that kid Terry he's bad news my homie Rome used to mess with him he crazy" Rock said in a serious tone. "Well I don't really know him like that but Kay does I think but if you think he crazy you don't know me yet" I said laughing. "That's what I'm trying to do if you let me" he said stopping the car. "Well if you see an opportunity to know me take it" I said flirting with him. When I'm a bit drunknor buzzed I get extra flirty. I like to touch and feel on people and kiss. "Well is there one now" he asks sitting back in his seat. "I don't know you decide" I said leaning forward. He leaned in and kissed me. Damn those lips were life giving. His lips were so soft and the kiss was amazing. He deepened the kiss by licking my bottom lip and sliding his tongue in my mouth. We kept kissing until my phone rung. It was Kay telling me she wanted to go home since it was 11. She irritating I was getting into it. I told Rock I had to go back home and he took me back to the party and me and Kay left. I couldn't leave without getting a kiss from Rock and giving him my phone number of course. He was so sexy oh my lord my heart hurts just thinking about it. I left with Kay and we went home. Around midnight Rock called me as I was getting in my pajamas and we talked for awhile as I went to sleep. We said our goodbyes and I went to sleep. I may like Atlanta after all.

You guys have been so supportive of book 2. I love it and the views are better than I expected so thank you so much. See you next chapter.


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