Two-Bit Imagine

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(Your POV)

It was Friday night and all of us decided to go to The Dingo to hangout after a long week. Ponyboy, Johnny, Dally, Darry, and I were already there drinking Cokes, talking, and waiting for Soda, Steve, and Two-Bit to arrive. I'm sure they all got sidetracked and forgot where they were supposed to be. Because they can't be trusted alone together. They can't take anything seriously, unless there's a Soc around. Yes, my crush, I probably can't trust. That was a lie, I can trust Two-Bit but he just won't take it seriously. He's too dazed, or drunk, or, speak of the devil....

"Oooooo, Haylee!" Ponyboy cued sitting right next to me.

"Shut up!" I whispered watching Two-Bit walking into the room with Soda and Steve.

They were all laughing about heaven knows what and boy did he look cute! Then he noticed I was looking at him and he straightened up a bit.

"H-Hey Haylee!" He laughed kinda nervously.

"Hi." I blushed waving.

All the boys sat down at the table and started drinking. Two-Bit sat across from me and we made eye contact over and over again the whole time. He winked at me every once in a awhile, I wasn't sure he was flirting with me or whatever he was doing because that's kinda normal for him to do that so I asked Ponyboy.

"Pony." I murmured.

"What?" He turned to me.

"Do ya think Two-Bit likes me?" I asked him looking at Two-Bit who was laughing with the guys.

"Hmmm, it's hard to tell." He mumbled.

"How is it hard to tell?" I panicked quietly enough so only he could hear me.

"Because we don't know if he's drunk or not." Ponyboy smiled trying to hold in a giggle.

I just smiled and shook my head. The night went by pretty fast and soon enough we were leaving. I left The Dingo first with my hands in my pockets with the boys behind me.

Then I noticed Two-Bit walked up next to me and I broke out a sweat.

"Hey." He smiled.

"How's it going?" I greeted, and we small talked walking down the street with the gang following.

Two-Bit didn't act like he normally was all wild and reckless, instead he was calm and sweet. It was nice to experience this side of him. I have to say we were both a little shy.

"Alright I'm going to say this, I don't know if you can tell but I kinda like you."

"I do too." I smiled.

"No, like more than a friend." He made it clear.

"I do." I blushed.

Then we stopped at the same time and stared into each other's eyes.

"Ya do?" He asked. I nodded. The gang who were behind us stopped and someone broke that moment Two-Bit and I had. Guess who? "Would y'all just kiss already!!!" Steve yelled at us and the gang cheered.

Two-Bit smirked and pulled me into a kiss that lasted long. We broke it and smiled. Two-Bit turned to Steve and pointed at him sternly, "I'll kick your ass later you little potlicker!"

We all laughed at that comment and we walked to the Curtis'. With Two-Bit and I holding hands!
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