Ponyboy Imagine

937 28 0

(Your POV)

My boyfriend, Ponyboy, always has a track meet everyday after school. I was always there to watch him. He loved track! But this time I had to run an errand so I'm missing the meeting right now. I looked at my watch and it was towards the end. I ran over to the bleachers. No one was there. Did everyone leave? What happened? So many questions ran through my head. I ran all the way to the Curtis house. I opened the door, and I yelled, "Pony?!?!" No answer. So many things ran through my mind. I ran out of the house to find him, but I ran into someone.

"Faith!" Ponyboy grabbed me by the shoulders.

"Pony!" I sighed, relieved.

"I've been worried about ya!" He hugged me. I felt so much better in his arms.

"I was looking for you!" I told him.

"We got done early." He answered.

"I was worried, and scared!-" I went on. Then Ponyboy cut me off.

"It's alright. We're both fine." He reassured. I smiled at him and he smiled back kissing me. Ponyboy is so sweet, and makes me feel so much better!
I'm so sorry!!!!!!!!! This one was absolutely terrible.

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