Two-Bit Imagine

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(Your POV)

I was at home waiting for Two-Bit in our bedroom. He should have gotten off work awhile ago. So that's why I'm staying up waiting for him. I can't sleep because he worries me so much.

He can't do this when the baby is here. I'm more than halfway through my pregnancy and I know that Two-Bit is excited to be a dad. But, I think he needs to get used to not being out so late.

As I was reading in bed the door opened and Two-Bit came in with a smile. I put the book on the side table.

"Hey baby. You should be sleeping, what's wrong?" He said sitting next to me on the bed.

"I can't sleep, plus I was wondering where you've been." I explained. His hand was on my legs and he stared at me.

"Where were you?" I asked. He didn't answer he held my hand rubbing it

"Drinking?" I suggested.

He was silent for a second. "I had one drink." He confessed, "Just one." His eyes sparkled at me.

"Oh Keith. You can't do this once the baby's here!" I explained. He nodded eyeing my bump.

"How's the baby?" He asked softly. I put my hand on it.

"Moving around a bit." I answered. He smiled faintly then got up and changed out of his clothes. He crawled into bed with me. His arms snaked around me with his hand on my bump and my hand on top of that. He kissed my temple. Seconds later the baby shifted.

"I felt that." Two said.

I laughed, "I love you!" "Love you too, (Y/N)."

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