Sodapop Imagine

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Today was Soda and I's second anniversary! I was so excited! I had no idea how this day was going to unfold. But the only bad thing about it is that Soda had to work! Which I was a little bummed about. But I know I'm going to have fun in the end.

I opened my eyes as the sun blinded me. The side where Soda sleeps was cold so I knew he was gone. I got up and went to go to the bathroom when a present stopped me at the end of the bed. There was a note attached to it. I read it in my head:

To Kristen, Happy 2nd Anniversary Babe! I love you so much words can't describe! I'll be off work at around 6 today. After that I'll come pick you up we'll head off! You'll find out where we're going later! Anyway, I'd like for you to wear this please! I love you!
-Love Sodapop Curtis.

I smiled and opened the present carefully. My jaw dropped. I covered my mouth with my hand. It was a dress that I told Soda I really loved when we went to the mall that one time. I obsessed over the dress for the longest time! Now it's mine! It's white and it has diamond studs along the neckline. I couldn't wait for tonight!

But where we were going was all a mystery. Soon 6 o'clock rolled around and I was ready for a night out. The entire day I couldn't focus on anything but tonight! Soon enough Soda opened the door and smiled at me looking up and down.

"Hey sweetheart." He grinned.

"Hey babe." He looked so handsome wearing a suit. I kissed him on the lips.

"Shall we?" He asked.

"Yes we shall." I giggled going along with it. He drove all the way to downtown Tulsa to a super fancy restaurant. It was hard for him to drive because he couldn't keep his eyes off me! We walked up to the restaurant holding hands.

"How'd you afford this place, Soda?" I asked.

"Trust me I've been saving for a LONG time." He explained smiling at me. The dinner was absolutely amazing! Really good food and atmosphere! After dinner Soda lead me up to an old, tall abandoned building in the middle of town. We climbed up to the top and saw the whole city. It was so breathtaking.

"This is amazing!" I sighed as there was a soft breeze.

"It's the perfect atmosphere." He said.

"For what?" I asked.

"For this." I glanced at Soda. He got down on one knee and for the second time that day he made me cover my mouth!

"Kristen, we've been together for 2 fast, and strong years. And I realized that I want to spend the rest of my life with you! Will you be my wife?" He started to choke up at the end while I bawled the entire time.

"Yes!" He slipped the ring on my finger and I hugged my fiancé!

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