Initiation chaos

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Jacket slut: one video attached

gremlin: that's amazing

Trick: oh god

tiny emo: it was chaos but also amazing

Raymondo: I think I would've preferred a sacrifice than that creepy chanting

Breadbitch: it was even better when Mr. Leith joined in

Tree man: you thought the chanting was creepy imagine walking in on that

Tree man: it was kinda terrifying

Ty: it was also kinda funny

Jishwa: yeah, he walked in and stared at us for a minute before walking back out

Ty: I didn't think he was going to come back

Jishwa: the black paint was a bit creepy

Trick: why was there black paint?

Ty: I had it on for an art project and forgot to wash it off

Tree man: it made it look like you were preparing to sacrifice Awsten rather than initiate him

Highlighter: I mean, I wouldn't mind being sacrificed to the worm gods

Trick: oh my god

tiny emo: you love us

Vegan boy: what the hell happened why I was gone?

Raymondo: to sum it up

Raymondo: they had an initiation for Awsten where they almost sacrificed someone and freaked several people out

Breadbitch: it was awesome though

Jacket slut: watch the video I sent

Vegan boy: and this is why I mute the chat

tiny emo: you muted us D:

Vegan boy: yes

Fro man: And I've just been watching

tiny emo: that's a little creepy joe

Breadbitch: yeah

Tree man: but yeah, that shit was freaky

Mikeyway: when I was coming back with Billie from the bathroom we saw jennifer walk past the classroom, look in and run away

Billie hoe: it was amazing, she ran all the way outside

Trick: oh lord

Jacket slut: that's great

gremlin: you should've recorded it

Billie hoe: I would've but I had left my phone in the classroom

Cheese whiz: we should probably go home now so Mr. Leith can also go home

Breadbitch: probably

Tree man: yep, see you guys Monday

Jacket slut: see ya

tiny emo: or everyone could come over to my house

Trick: Pete no

tiny emo: Pete yes

Mikeyway: last time you almost burned your house down

tiny emo: yeah but if everyone comes over then there'd be more people to stop me

gremlin: I have an idea

Raymondo: oh no this can't be good

gremlin: My mom is gonna be out of town next week so it'll be just me and Liam so you guys could come over and spend the night

Jacket slut: fuck yeah!

tiny emo: yes

Breadbitch: hell yeah

Cheese whiz: let's do it

Billie hoe: I already told Mike and Tre we'd hang out next weekend

gremlin: bring them along

Trick: oh lord this is a bad idea

Tree man: I don't even know where you live

Breadbitch: I can pick you up

Cheese whiz: don't worry, I'll be the one driving

Breadbitch: you don't trust me to drive?

Cheese whiz: not really

Breadbitch: rude

Vegan boy: I'm only going to help keep everyone alive

Fro man: same

Jishwa: I don't know where you live either :/

Ty: ^^^

gremlin: I'll just send everyone my address next week

Mikeyway: this is gonna be chaos

Jacket slut: yes

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