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I slid off the horse so fast, my feet stumbled slightly and I fell onto my palms. Not caring, I shut my eyes tightly, willing any magic to spark from my palms and into the dirt. I kept focusing until I heard the door swing open, Prince Bram stepping out, his eyebrow arched. 

"I would have helped you off him," he said. 

I pushed myself up, brushing my palms against my dress as my gaze stared at the ground. Disappointment filled me as nothing happened. He said something again about checking in, and I followed him inside. The inn keeper, an older fat man greeted us brightly. No doubt pleased to have business from the king's eldest son. Prince Bram lead me down the hall before stopping at a door and opening it for me. It was a lovely room with all dark oak furniture and a wooden tub laying in front of the single arched window. 

"I hoped we could share a room, I won't be sleeping anyways but there's a tub if you'd like to bathe," he said quickly, "I shall be outside for a few hours tending to the horse. But if that makes you uncomfortable we can get another room."  

I reminded myself I was a prisoner, "No. One room is alright." 

He smiled, "Good. Then I shall get the keeper to start you a bath." 

The bath was lovely. The inn keeper took a few trips back and forth filling the tub with boiled water then surprised me by adding scented oils and salt. After, he left a towel and a pile of clothing before thanking me profusely for the business. I said nothing, confused by his actions but quickly got into the bath, enjoying it to it's fullest. I hadn't had a warm bath in so long, bathing with a basin and cloth or in my dress in the river, I had almost forgotten how nice baths could be. 

I almost fell asleep, being lulled by the warm water and soft scents before reminding myself Bram would be back eventually, so I stepped out and pulled on the long sleeved, deep green dress the keeper had left. As I finished dressing, I sat down on the bed, my fingers running lightly along the headboard. My thoughts turned to Mama, tears collecting in my eyes. 

If he was only a week earlier, he could have saved her. The prince could have found the best doctor in the country and saved her life, but he was late by seven days. He had arrived too late and because of that Mama died. 

Under my finger the wood creaked. I blinked, looking down at the wood, my anger evaporating. A long crack ran along it's hard surface. For a moment, a part of my heart flared at the hope this was a sign of an elemental, but I knew it was probably just already there. My mind playing tricks or maybe lost in thought I had squeezed the wood or something. 

Sighing softly, I laid back in the bed, my eyes fluttering closed as sleep claimed me. I dreamed of the old days, Mama taking little Fionn and I down the river to play while she washed our clothing. I dreamed that Papa was there too, even though he had died when I was only a year old—I had no real memories of him, only knowing his face from how Mama described him. 

Then, I woke up, my shoulders being lightly shaken. As I stirred, the memory fading to the back of my mind like morning fog as I sat up, rubbing my tired eyes. For a moment I was disoriented, wondering why my back didn't ache from the hut's terrible bed, then reality set in and a deep sadness rose inside me. I looked over to prince Bram slowly, my eyes blinking. 

"We're going to head out now, alright?" he asked as if I had a choice. 

I nodded, sliding off the bed. As my bare feet hit the wooden floor, he nudged me again. I looked back to him, noticing a pair of silk slippers in his hands. For a moment I just stared wondering why he was holding a pair of slippers, then it occurred to me that he wanted me to put them on. The dress was strange enough, but the shoes too? Both items were definitely the best quality the inn keeper could find and it made me wonder why this prince wished to dress a prisoner. Saying nothing, I took the pair and pushed my feet into them. Instantly, the silk felt comfortable against my hard feet and my eyes fluttered as relief filled me. 

Then we were moving again, back on the horse and off towards the city. True to his word, within hours we finally reached the monstrous city walls. No doubt made by the most masterful earth elementals. My eyes widened in awe as we passed the number of farms that lie outside the city walls before we eventually made it to the large gate. The gate, a large stone wall with two guards dressed in gold on either side. As the horse came to a stop in front of the gate, one guard nodded to the prince before both guards turned towards the wall. 

I gasped softly as they then began casting their abilities. My thoughts were confirmed as they moved, slamming the palms of their hands into the side of the wall as the front wall began to quake, the ground thundering loudly as the wall began to morph, the massive stone sinking down into a walk way. The two guards then turned to the prince, bowing down at the waist. Peering over Prince Bram's shoulder, I then got a view of the city itself. 

"Wow," I gasped, shock and awe filling me. 

"Welcome to the city of royals," he chuckled.

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