ONE | The Red Village.

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Six years later.

ONE | The Red Village.

"Ciara Roisin!" Mama called, annoyance lacing her raspy voice, "You get down from that tree right now or I swear, you won't be getting any pie after dinner."

I frowned, looking down the tree, way below, Mama stood, her apron stained with dirt. I only noticed now the amount of villagers around the tree, no doubt both worried and curious. The distinct buzzing above me however, reminded me of my goal and I looked back up to the juicy honey comb. It was right there if I just reached a little more—

"Ciara!" she yelled again before violently coughing.

My head dropped back down, another villager raced over to Mama who fell to her knees. Panic filled me and I climbed down the tree quickly, practically jumping the last few feet, a sting running up my legs as I landed.

"Mama!" I cried, reaching her side.

She was so sick lately, and it was only getting worse. That's why I wanted the honey, honey was good for one's health but the honey at the Apothecary's shop was so expensive.

"You need rest," I whispered, helping her stand.

She sighed softly, "I'm not as young as I used to be I suppose."

That wasn't true, she was sick and she refused to tell me what was going on. Always hiding the blood that remained on her handkerchief after coughs or how she was eating less and less and sleeping more and more. The other villagers didn't help. I didn't blame them, there was such little resources in our village, sickness was so common. Tears filled my eyes just the thought of losing her, no I couldn't—I wouldn't lose another family member.

"Stop that," she chuckled softly as we reached our little hut, "You'll age ten years with those lines on your face. Who will marry you then?"

My eyes rolled as I helped her get into her bed, "Mama, I'm not interested in marrying anyone right now. Besides, who wants to marry and have children in this rundown village?"

She grew quiet, nodding her head, "T-That's true."

"I'm sorry," I said quickly feeling guilty as I pressed my palm to her cheek, "I didn't mean anything by it."

Almost instantly, my gut tensed as she smiled, her eyes closing. It was then I noticed the amount of sweat clinging to her body, her skin was deathly pale now. How did I not notice this before? Horror hit me, she was so much sicker than I thought. My heart hammered, I needed to get a doctor now. Would that even be able to save her? I was afraid.

Not even an elemental could save her now.

"Mama," I whispered, "Mama wake up."

She pulled one eye open slowly, "I'm sorry my love. I should have told you sooner."

I leaned in, pressing both hands to her face, "Why didn't you tell me? I could have gotten a doctor, I could have traded or worked off that debt."

"No, no," she murmured, her hands moving to grasp my wrists, "Not that. I-I should have told you about your father, why we left. Why we Sickness. The seal."

Her voice was growing more and more faint, she was being delirious, her words didn't make sense. My eyes flickered over her body, and while I struggled to keep calm, my heart was filling with pure dread.

"Please Mama," I whispered pulling away, "Just hold on. I'll get a doctor."

As if that would help.

She breathed out softly, her eyes opening and she locked eyes with me, "I-I cannot lie any longer. I've been holding on for sixteen season cycles my little dove. The seal will break soon. S-Soon. Find Fionn b-before it is too late."

My eyes furrowed, "I don't understand."

"Fionn," she whispered again, her eyes shutting.

Her hands dropped from my skin and I watched in horror as she exhaled but didn't inhale. I froze, my body not moving as tears fell onto her apron. I didn't move, and neither did she. The sun fell, and her body grew cold. My fingers curled around her hand until her skin turned mine to ice.  

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