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"She is Lady Roisin," a familiar voice suddenly spoke, calm and cold, "Perhaps you know the name. She is Fionn Roisin's sister." 

I didn't need to turn in order to see Prince Erik's face. The fear on these three idiots was clear enough. They were practically shaking in their pathetic boots. I held back a smirk, my anger still a swirling mess inside of me. 

"P-Please forgive us!" the first cried, dropping down to his knees in the mud to beg. 

The other two followed suit. 

"Forgiven?" I laughed cruelly, cutting Erik off, "Did you consider mercy when you attempted to put your hands upon a child? Or when you rose your hand to my face? Tell me, where was mercy when your words degraded my status and my lady-in-waiting's honor?"

A warm hand wrapped around my waist and I was pulled back a step. 

"That will be enough love," he whispered in my ear, "Calm yourself." 

I blinked, a sudden exhaustion filling me. 

"You three will get up without looking upon the lady again," he then said coolly, "You will go and pack your things then you will leave the castle grounds. Such acting is unbecoming of potential elemental guards. You will not study here. For your sakes, I do hope you have noble families whom can afford such failure." 

The three cried, "P-Please your highness! Take mercy!" 

"No." he replied, "As Lady Roisin has commented, you deserve nothing. Now go, before I decide having your entrails thrown to the wind is more fitting." 

I could feel my body wobbling with exhaustion, I had barely caught onto the conversation as I fought the sudden sleep spell that hit my body. It was strange, I had never felt so utterly drain in my entire life. I could feel my body slumping against Erik's body. 

"Do not fade on me yet," he said softly into my ear. 

I forced my eyes open, "Forgive me, I feel so tired all of a sudden."

He spun me in his arms, making sure to hold me up as he did. His gaze flashed over my face while his face was guarded. I couldn't make out his emotions. Then again, I'm positive he felt nothing upon this anger except perhaps annoyance that those men would disrespect his friend's sister. He pressed his palm to my cheek gently. I winced, his hand making my burn ache. The feeling faded however, as a warm breeze tickled my face. Then he moved his hand from my face to my waist, practically holding me up now. 

"Careful where you step," he whispered, "We are surrounded by thick rose vines."

I blinked looking down. He was right, it seemed I had stumbled into a rose bush somehow, the thorns getting tangled into my skirt and his pants. I blinked, this didn't seem right. How had I stumbled onto a rose bush that seemed to have grown around me? My drowsiness was making my mind muddy, I could not figure this out. 

"Easy," Erik said, breaking my concentration, "Step towards me. Careful now."

I obeyed his command without a thought. He led me out of the rose bush and onto solid ground. Once he did, my eyelids grew heavy again. If my body became heavier against his, he did not comment on it. Instead, his arms scooped me up kindly. My eyes snapped open and I struggled briefly. 

"W-Wait," I stuttered, my cheeks heating, "This is too much. What will people think? Surely they would think me a whore if we're seen in such a position." 

His eyes rolled, "No one will see us because we are going right to your room." 

Before I could speak, a sudden whirlwind encased us. My tiredness was forgotten for a moment, as we rose in the air, my fingers digging into his shirt as I held on with all my life and yet I was not afraid. We were well above the stable now, well over the trees. His wind strong in catching us and the view—my goddess, the view was beautiful. Then all too soon it was over. We moved to Eliza's tower, where he pressed open the window without any effort. The wind died down as he stepped into Eliza's room, where she sat on her bed, consulting a sobbing Loli. 

"Erik!" Eliza gasped in relief, "Ciara! You're unharmed!" 

"O-Oh Lady Roisin! I-I'm so s-sorry!" 

He nodded once, and I wave a little wave, my tiredness creeping back. 

"Is she alright?" Eliza whispered. 

Erik was gentle in holding me close to his chest, "Yes. She is fine. It seems she had a moment of confectus and nothing more."

Unable to fight any longer, my mind began to succumb to sleep. 

"What?" Eliza's voice was like a lullaby now, "But Fionn said..."

"It seems," Erik's voice was the crescendo to my slumber, "My friend lied."

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