Two |

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Two |

The difference between the land of Ipuina and Neorian was so very different. As soon as we crossed into the land of Neorian gone was the vast grasslands and our carriage was engulfed in trees and thick forest. Aldrich explained that the land was created by the first earth elemental, and as such, everything they needed was within the forest land that was Neorian. At first, I wasn't sure what he meant, but I quickly learned the truth behind his words.

The villages we crossed through were built from wood and stones. Some created in the large trees and others, created from wooden pockets. The closer we began to get towards the royal city of Neorian, the more grand each town became. What's more, each one seemed to know Aldrich and Kahuna well, and as we passed, they threw petals in the air and cheered. It was a completely different reaction. Eventually, our carriage slowed as we rolled to a stop in a large town which had buildings in the trees and on the ground. I stared in amazement, each building was built securely, the trees seemed to be manipulated to cradle the buildings delicately, bridges and ramps connected everything. The town was surrounded by a large wooden fence, with a few guards wearing the Neorian crest. There were roads made of stone, and large shops that seemed to specialize in gems.

"We'll stop here for now," Kahuna said.

I nodded, "How long until we reach your city?"

"We will reach Rosluchait bridge soon," Aldrich assured me.

"Is it in the trees as well?"

They shared a look before smirking.

"What is it?" I pouted.

Aldrich chuckled, "It will be a surprise."

I thought nothing more of his words, excitement like liquid gold within my veins. Instead, I cast my eyes towards a beautiful inn where the carriage began to slow. Aldrich got out first, carefree and a smile on his face. I could feel my cheeks heat as he turned to me and held out his hand, around us a curious crowd drew. With hesitation, I looked towards Kahuna.

"Go forth little cousin," she mused, "they wish to see the mysterious girl with Aldrich."

I frowned, "Are they jealous?"

"Of course. My brother fancies his night with women," she crinkled her nose, "But they will see you are different. He does not dismiss you and he does not touch you. They will see the bond—one like—"

"Little sister!" Aldrich called jokingly, "Do not leave me alone!"

My eyes widened.

"For now, your status as our cousin should be a secret," Kahuna whispered.

"I understand," I replied.

There had to be a reason my father kept such a secret—a secret he died for. For now, I'd not tell a soul about the truth, instead, I'd play my part. For the sake of my future—for the sake of a better future than the one Fionn promised. I pulled a smile onto my face, as I stepped out. The whispers began and I could feel my courage melt away but Aldrich was strong. He grasp my hand gently and helped me down. I thanked him and he pet my head gently.

"Begone," Kahuna called behind us, her voice playful, "If anyone dares stare at my horrible dress I will rampage."

Despite the playfulness, there was an edge to her voice. The crowd dispersed quickly. I looked to the front of the carriage where I noticed there was quite the few Neorian guards with us, each dressed in a different version than Aldrich's own armor. They seemed relaxed however, one even leaning against the carriage to have a drink.

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