Forty Five |

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Forty Five |

"What were you thinking?" Fionn demanded as I slid off Phoenix.

An exhaust weighed on my shoulders, "Do not harp me. I am not in the mood."

"And what were you doing with my sister?" Fionn demanded from Aldrich.

Aldrich rose his hands in defense, "Do not harp me because your sister wishes for my company and not yours. We ventured to see the festival. Nothing more."

"Ciara go back to your chambers," Fionn ordered, more cold than I had ever seen him.

I looked between them with caution, "I will not. Your match was a draw, leave it at that. Brother think of your reputation if you start throwing hands around in the stables."

He looked over at me, "If you continue to disobey me, I am going to get angry."

"You're always angry," I snapped quietly, "Let it go!"

"Brother!" Kahuna called, coming down the path with Erik in tow.

My nose scrunched up and I disliked how this was becoming more and more of a social event. I was tired, the day had been much too long, and I wished for nothing more than to sleep. Yet, even then I know I could not even sleep in my own bed after what had occurred in there. I'd only hope to catch some sleep in the dressing room.

"Lady Roisin," Kahuna grinned, "It is lovely to see you again."

I nodded tiredly, "You as well Princess."

"Please call me cousin," she beamed.

Fionn's glare turned to her, and for a moment I thought he might attempt to kill her.

"Kahuna," Aldrich sighed, "You overstep. Lord Roisin is not in the mood for such jokes. Come, we will escape back to our chambers now."

She grinned at Fionn, the grin as cold as the ice he could craft, "My apologies."

"Be on your way," he said slowly, "Ciara go back to your room."

"Fine," I snarled, "Damn you Fionn."

Kahuna laughed and I stormed away, making sure to stomp my foot a few times as I did. I was much too tired to think of such trivial things, damn the court and all of the nobles in it including my brother. If he wished to play such childish games, I could not stop him but I won't stand by to view them either. I returned to Eliza's chambers before my eyes locked on the door to my room. A lump formed in my throat and I turned, walking over to the dressing room before laying on the fainting chair and grabbing a strip of cloth. It would do. I wrapped my wrist tightly, covering the mark.

"Such excitement and it was not even the fourth day yet," I yawned.

To my surprise, sleep came quickly. All too soon, the sun had rose, and I was being shaken awake by Eliza. I groaned tiredly, looking up with her with wide eyes. She frowned, looking beautifully dressed but not in her typical dramatic fashion. Her gown was a deep gold, minus it's usual sparkle. It had very little lace and embellishes, with her long black hair braided and done up with many crystals.

"Eliza, why do you wake me?" I whispered.

She rolled her eyes, "Rose dress Ciara. With that useless little Loli missing and your Ayden tending to her uncle, I suppose it is up to Rose to get you ready for the festival."

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