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Six days passed and my studies began. The ball was tomorrow and because of that, the castle was full to the brim and busier than wasps to a deer carcass. As the ball was being set up, it was asked that those residing in the castle grounds avoid the ball room until tomorrow night. Which, was n problem for me, as I didn't have any idea where the ball room was in the first place. In fact, for the entire week I did little exploring and more studying than one could possibly handle. It was exhausting but I was determined to do so good that no one noticed my lack of elemental abilities. 

I had learned much from my classes on history (Eliza would read from the large history books in her study, while the instructor taught me, currently I was learning of the relations between the land of Ipuinia and Neorian which was long and boring, strange politics I did not understand), proper etiquette (with Eliza's grace, she did not attend this class), we learned of different musics and how to dance appropriately, what trade was valuable and of course, my elemental classes with Benji. Unfortunately, we had gotten no closer to discovering my power. 

If I had any at all. 

Fionn made an effort to have a meal together once a day, and he told me stories of his youth within the castle. Eliza and I grew in friendship, as did Loli and my friendship with her. Bram sometimes sat in on my tutoring with Benji (and if not Bram, then Loli. The two were kind to never leave me alone with Benji, as much as I didn't mind it, I was beginning to learn gossip in the castle could be a death sentence) and Erik fully ignored me. Fionn had noticed and explained Erik was like that with most ladies. 

I didn't ask about the ones he didn't ignore. 

      Today my gowns arrived, which fit me properly, and I was being sized for a gown for the ball which was to be held tomorrow night. As the gown maker sized me through my chemise with the help of Loli, Eliza sat on the fainting couch, while Rosa brushed her long black locks. 

The seamstress hummed, "What colour did you want your gown to be?"

I opened my mouth, but no words came out, I honestly had no idea.

"Do you have any Emerald silk from Arianne?" Eliza replied softly, "I think a nice green such as emerald would match her eyes, and those chestnut locks." 

I blinked, a short snort flying from my lips. She made my muddy brown hair sound so pretty in those words. The seamstress paused and Eliza sent me a narrowed look, and I blushed slightly, raising my hand to cover my mouth. 

"Sorry," I said quickly, "A cough."

The seamstress nodded, and continued to work. She finished in the new few hours, as the sun began to set and my feet ached with hurt. Now I sat, sipping tea that Loli promised to take the ache away and I felt perplexed about the whole ordeal. It felt like torture, standing for hours while a woman poked and prodded at my body, wrapping me up in one fabric after another like snakes to a rabbit. 

However, I must admit the gown was beautiful. An emerald colour with golden flowers embroiled across the corset. It had a gold hem and sheer, silk white under layers. The gown also had lovely lace sleeves, and a separate emerald choker piece to hide my neck in a very fashionable way. Eliza had explained that noble women were expected to hide their necks when attending formal events—she would not tell me why, only that a woman should not be in the eyes of desire. 

I didn't understand, but that was fine. I had been worried Erik left marks on my neck from my bath but when I went to look again, they were gone the next morning. As if our encounter in the batting room had never even happened. 

A soft sigh left my lips, making Loli look up from her spot. 

"More tea my lady?" She asked. 

I shook my head, "I still wish you'd sit at the table with me."

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