Thirty |

455 31 11

Early update because I'm so excited *

Thirty |                     

We walked the castle freely, as we did, I questioned Ayden. She was around my age but with a smaller frame and certainly quieter. I noted how she flinched at loud noises, and reared unconsciously away from the male guards and it made my blood boil. I did not know what her father had done to her and I would not ask but I did know I would not marry her father.

"We have a large library," Eliza hummed, "Be sure to check it out."

I was pulled out of my thoughts and looked over at Ayden. She had spoke more when I asked what her interests were, and she responded reading. This had both Eliza and Ayden chatting happily about the large library in the castle and I remained relatively quiet. I struggled to read, and it wasn't enjoyable to me. I grew up in the Red Village where books did not exist. The only book that did was a child's tale about fairies that my Mama read to Fionn and I and then just I when she was alive. It was how I began to learn simple readings. 

"Could I?" She asked, the first sign of happiness in her voice.

Eliza looked at me and I smiled.

"Of course you can. You can have as much freedom here as you want," I replied.

The princess spoke, "I will have Loli train you to be Lady Roisin's attending and then I will be reassigning Loli to the kitchen. It would be good for that girl to remember her place, she has gotten to spoiled. Lady Roisin spends much of her time alone however, either in classes or with the prince. You will have much time for the library."

Ayden's eyes slid to me, "T-Thank you. Both of you. I don't know how I can repay your kindness, I-I don't have anything to offer. Even serving you is more of an honor than I deserve."

My head tilted and I stopped walking, "Have you disrespected me?"

"W-What?" she gasped.

"Or hurt me?" I continued.


"Maybe insulted me then? Or talked shit behind my back? Stolen my property? Spit at my name—or maybe you've done something else to someone else?"

"No!" she cried, "None of it, I swear!"

I could feel my eyes soften, "Then you deserve to be happy. And I promise you that."

She sniffled, "Thank you."

We reached Eliza's chambers where Loli and Rosa had finished setting up the tea. My eyes flickered and for a moment I had almost forgotten about them. I stared at Loli with guilt. Eliza made it clear Ayden would be replacing her, but not before making Loli teach Ayden. It was horrible and cruel but Loli was still so young. She was a girl who hadn't even had her first bleed yet. I promised myself silently that when the time came, I would have her back at my side. I would only allow her to work the kitchen for a month or a few, then she would be back. I would convince Eliza of that.

"My Lady," Rosa bowed, "Tea is ready."

Loli stared at Ayden openly.

"Good, thank you. This is Ayden Balsick—Loli you will teach her how to attend on us, and then she will become Ara's lady-in-waiting."

"A-And what will happen to me?" Loli whispered, tears pricking in her eyes.

I looked away, guilt filling me.

"You will teach Ayden," Eliza said coldly, "Begin with giving her a tour. That is all."

Loli nodded looking over to Ayden to follow. She did, leaving Eliza, Rosa and I for tea. I sat at the table slowly as Rosa poured us each a cup. I watched as Loli muttered the different rooms in the chamber, even pointing to the attending room where Rosa and Loli shared by mentioning Ayden would sleep there too. I had not seen the inside of the room, but Loli had once told me it contained four beds—two of which the girls used for folding and ironing clothing.

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