Thirty Nine |

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Thirty Nine |

The rest of the ball continued without any more issues. Bram and Benjamin didn't show up which no one was surprised about. Soon, it was time for the second day of the tournament. I looked around the arena. I was seated next to Ayden and we were both dressed in the fancy Ipuina elemental institute uniform. Around us was elementals from all three lands, each uniform different than the last. The Neorian elementals wore black pants that seemed tightly fitted to their legs (I believe Ayden called them leggings, such a strange name) with a long sleeved shirt, the front holding each of their elemental signs in silver, and the Arianne wore orange clothing made of cloth. Their uniforms were different in that the women wore flowing skirts with slits up their sides, their breasts bandaged, and the men wore loose fitted pants and no shirt at all. They fought with their elemental sign painted on their shoulder in crushed bismuth paint.

We watched the first royal elemental guards fight, each winner determined. It was amazing to watch, the way they used such skill and technique to challenge their elements. Finally, it was time for the matches that everyone was waiting for. To my surprise, Fionn and Aldrich stood across from each other. I chewed my bottom lip carefully, afraid for both of them. So far three elementals were killed—too stubborn to admit defeat. I prayed whoever lost in this fight, they wouldn't be so foolish.

"You may begin," Queen Yarrow commanded.

Aldrich flexed his fingers, "I have been waiting for this fight."

"So have I," Fionn replied slowly.

I watched them move then. So quick! Fionn hunched down, calling forth his ice spear and slicing Aldrich. Or what we thought. Instead, the spear cut through a trunk, and Aldrich was suddenly behind Fionn with a large staff. My eyes widened, I had never seen anyone fight with a staff before but for some reason I wasn't surprised. Fionn let out a grunt as the staff came down onto his back and he stumbled forward. Aldrich took that opportunity to throw out his hand, vines curling around his legs and keeping him in place. Fionn flicked his wrist, water rushing from the waterfall to restrain Aldrich's arms.

Both broke apart, moving apart of each other. The two were earth and water which were neutral elements to each other, that meant this would come down to skill. Suddenly, Fionn raised his hand straight into the air and did a little wave to Queen Yarrow.

"I forfeit," he chipped.

"What," Aldrich grunted.

Shocked whispers broke out among the cavea, all was shocked.

"Very well," Queen Yarrow gritted, "Prince Aldrich wins."

My eyes flickered to the queen. She seemed in a terrible mood since yesterday's ball. I looked back to my brother, as he walked off, Aldrich's gaze followed him with confusion. Why did Fionn forfeit when they seemed equal in strength? My mind whirled as I tried to make sense of his actions, only to come up blank. I had no idea why he'd choose to look like a coward.

"There was no way for him to win or lose," Ayden whispered in my ear.

I looked at her, "What do you mean?"

"If he won, it would cause strife between the two lands. Not to mention he'd be known as a warrior of Ipuina who had more strength than the crown prince of Neorian. But if he lost, He'd be killed. Had he continued to fight and gotten the lower hand then admitted defeat, the queen would have him killed for the dishonor. Had he gotten the prince of Neorian to submit, he'd be seen as a warrior more powerful than a royal, thus he'd be killed," she replied quietly.

My eyes moved to where Queen Yarrow sat beside the king. Then the match between Aldrich and my brother was a set up and this was the only thing he could do to not be killed. My question was why? I knew Queen Yarrow picked all the matches, so why would she try to get my brother killed? It occurred to me now, the queen wasn't mad that my brother forfeited, but instead that her plan had failed.

Bitter woman.

Next to fight was Erik and Kahuna. She was amazing to watch. Erik seemed to hold back as they fought, the wind spinning viciously around them. Kahuna however, was an earth elemental, which was stronger than the air elemental and it was clear from this fight. Kahuna had summoned forth a series of trees which covered the fighting space, and Erik's wind while powerful, didn't seem to do much against her trees. Kahuna disappeared into the large branches, the leaves covering her completely. Erik backed up, spinning on his heels to create another whirlwind. It cut through the many trunks, the trees all falling. Dust settled and everyone leaned forward to catch a sight of whatever was happening beyond the dust.

When it finally cleared, Erik's hand was around Kahuna's neck. Then, he let go and she was left gasping in air. She slammed her fist into the ground angrily, hissing words at him that none in the cavea could hear. He seemed to reply just as quiet before chuckling loudly.

"The winner is Crown Prince Erik!" The queen called.

The crowd roared loudly for their prince but I couldn't find myself joining in. Instead, my eyes stayed on Kahuna, the pure anger on her face was clear. No doubt the queen had planned this match on purpose too but I wondered the reason.

The tournament went on, elemental royal guards from each land fighting each other as the queen named each winner. It was interesting to watch how each of the royal guards from different lands used their different skills.

"Benjamin Lewis of Ipuina, Emmett Triton of Ipuina," Queen Yarrow said.

My eyes fell on the two in the middle of the fighting area. Unease filled me as Benjamin bowed towards Emmett as a sign of respect. Emmett grinned, flinging out his hand towards the bowing Benjamin. A fireball shot out of his hands, smashing into the other man. I gasped loudly, stunned by Emmett's disrespect. Benji flew back, his body rolling as he struggled to stand. He breathed heavily, before slamming his hands into the ground. Flowers bloomed across the arena towards Emmett and I grinned. It was crimson snakeroot—the flower was extremely poisonous, it's pollen could even burn flesh. Emmett would do well not to touch it.

Emmett waved his hands around, flames dancing across the ground. Horror filled me as the flames slammed into Benji, causing him to scream out in pain.

"Benji!" I screamed in horror.

Emmett looked up at me with a grin. The flames dissolved and revealed an unconscious Benji. I curled my fingers into tight fists, gritting my teeth to hold back my anger. When he didn't move, two medics ran forward. They assessed him before making a hand sign towards the queen. I breathed out slowly and with relief. He was alive but unable to continue.

"Emmett Triton is the winner."

The crowd cheered as they carried Benji off on a large piece of wood. As they did, I noticed how Emmett bowed down towards the queen, not budging from his spot still within the area. Queen Yarrow noticed this, humming lowly, a strange grin growing on her face.

"Your match is over, remove yourself from the arena," King Yarrow called.

He took to one knee, "My beloved King and Queen I must make a request!"

My brow rose, that unease that had curled in my stomach began to grow.

"What will he ask for?" Ayden murmured.

I didn't respond, my eyes narrowing.

"Speak freely," Queen Yarrow replied to him.

The entire cavea was silent, eager to absorb this court drama.

"I'd like to fight Lady Roisin in the Finals. If she makes it of course," Emmett said.

My body froze as all eyes turned to me, my face burning.

"Absolutely not!" Aldrich protested, "If you wish to fight an earth elemental, I'll gladly fight you coward. I cannot promise you'll walk away with your life."

To my surprise, Fionn stood as well, "Picking an opponent and one of opposite element purposely is an unfair advantage. Not to mention this is my sister's first tournament. Such a request goes against the spirit of the tournament itself."

"Silence," Queen Yarrow hissed, "Lucky for us all, it is my choice. I will allow it. If Ciara Roisin survives her first battle, she may fight you. As a Roisin I expect excellency."

Emmett looked towards me and grinned, "I look forward to it."

I breathed out slowly, knowing I was in serious trouble. 

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