Twenty-Six |

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Twenty-Six |

Perhaps it was the remaining buzz of determination that remained in my bones, or perhaps it was the new wave of confidence I held in my own regard that had my feet moving on their own towards the throne room. I kept my chin high as I reached the doors, and I suppose it was the look of pure control on my face that had the two guards pushing open the large doors in my wake without me having to ask for such.

I hadn't even changed out of the now ripped and disheveled attire from my training. I had left Orris in the great dining hall as I sought out Uncle Edric while ignoring the soreness in my muscles and the echo of exhaustion in my veins—I'm sure I looked utterly mad but I had to speak my mind while in this enlightened state.

"Ciara!" Uncle welcomed, "What a surprise."

I paused, looking over to where he sat on his throne with Aldrich at his side. Aldrich's eyes widened with surprise, his lips parting slightly. I held back a frown—there was a set distraught on my cousin's face and I wondered what the cause could be. Pushing that concern from my head, I focused myself on what needed to be done.

"I will do the dance," I stated.

Uncle beamed, "That's excellent—"

"But," I cut him off by raising my hand. His face dropped and silence fell onto him. "I have some expectations myself. While I am a Albion we both know Kahuna is the proper fit for the dance and I believe it was cruel for you to press such political expectations onto me. If it were my choice, I'd happily give myself to Erik Yarrow to avoid war."

I made up my mind as soon as Orris declared me the winner. It had taken the sparing to realize that all this time I was putting a limit on my own abilities. Time continued to move if I was ready for it or not—I had to start making my own moves in this game of court else it would crush me before I decided my own fate.

It was time to move on my promise for change.

His eyes narrowed. "But that would make Neorian look weak."

"I may have Albion blood, but I also have Cyprus blood. My parents chose my home to be Ipuina—Neorian is not my home," I replied softly. "As much as I wished it was. Uncle, you chose me to be a pawn against Ipuina—whether intentional or not."

"Ara," Aldrich gasped, "That's not—"

"It's alright," I sighed, waving him off. "I've already agreed to do the dance, but I do have a price. This dance will have my life on the line after all, I believe it's only fair I also benefit from it. I have three requests."

He nodded his head slowly. "Very well."

I held up one finger. "Bram Yarrow will be freed and given safe passage out of Neorian in any direction he wishes. He is not a political prisoner; he is a non-elemental prince. Bram will be respected and cared for in his remaining time here."

"Very well. That can be arranged," Uncle hummed, his shoulders relaxing slightly.

I held up a second finger. "I wish to enter the dungeon."

Aldrich took a step forward. "W-why?"

I tilted my head. "I'm tired of the secrets. I wish to know the truth behind our crystal abilities—all of the truth. That is the only way I will be able to use the Criostalan Cridhe and that is the best outcome correct? Or all kingdoms to see that we have such a power?"

His face went blank of emotions. "I-I don't know what to say..."

My gaze slid to Aldrich. "Crown prince?"

He flinched at that. I didn't blame him. We were so much closer than our titles and yet I found my guilt misplaced. Aldrich had used me just as much as Uncle had. I had no reason to feel guilty nor to hesitate about my demands.

This was what needed to be done, for the best outcome of both sides.

"That can be arranged," he whispered, emotions thick in his voice.

I nodded, holding up my final finger. "All iron bookmarks are to be removed from my father's library at once, and they will never be put back."

Eldrich flinched at that. "P-pardon me?"

I hid my smile. "They don't match the rest of the library. Will that be a problem?"

He paled slightly. "Not at all. Consider all your demands met. Bram Yarrow will be sent off as soon as the dance is over, as for your other demands, I'll see to them at once. Aldrich?"

Aldrich nodded, "Of course."

He hurried from the room; his gaze averted from mine as he passed. I made a mental note to seek him out later. If there was one person here, I didn't want to be at odds with, it was Aldrich. It hurt my heart to think we weren't anything but alright. I wished to change this world for the better but that betterment was for those I loved as well.

"Thank you, Uncle," I breathed, looking back to the throne.

He nodded, hesitation on his face and his eyes lost in thought.

Deciding that it was best to leave, I took a step back. Turning on my heel, I moved towards the doors to leave when he called my name. I glanced back at him, surprised to see the genuine guilt and sorrow etched onto his aged face. He held out his hand as if I was to take it but when I didn't move, he dropped it onto his knee.

"I'm sorry. For everything," he said softly. "You should have grown up as a Princess of Neorian and instead, we've made you a pawn of court. I'm sorry."

"There is no need to apologize. I am who and where I've been meant to be."

With that, I left as well.    

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