Forty Six |

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Forty Six |

Somehow, when we had went to fetch a royal carriage, we were joined by Kahuna. She was beautiful, dressed in a black tunic and silver stay that was padded with metal. She wore a pair of leggings which were adorned with gems, and a pair of brown riding boots. Her brown locks were gelled back (no doubt a bit of animal fat, perfumed by flowers) a black cape on her shoulders as well as a pair of black gloves. She looked like a warrior, ready to sharpen her nails into any man who tried her patience. I was hit with jealousy, I could only wish to one day be so strong. She patted my head once as she reached us, causing Eliza to grunt with annoyance.

"I shall join you," she told me with a smile.

"You ask the wrong person," Eliza said, a cold smile on her face.

I looked at Eliza with hope, "Can she?"

She sighed, "Very well."

While waiting for the stable boys to prepare the carriage for two royals and a noble, we were also joined by Rosa and Ayden. As Ayden came over, I hugged her tightly, expressing how proud I was of her and how sorry I was that I hadn't seen her the day before. She held nothing against me, and we wept happily for each other.

"You are a great friend to me," I whispered.

She sniffled, smiling, "I feel horrible I cannot wait on you longer."

"No! Don't! I am so happy you've gotten to return to a house that respects you."

"Goodness," Eliza commented, "You're an emotional bunch."

"I like it," Kahuna commented, "They're quite cute. As opposed to an ice princess."

"I'd rather be an ice princess than a bloodthirsty one."

I looked between the two with unease, perhaps it wasn't smart to take the same carriage. My teeth couldn't help but chew at my bottom lip as I willed the stable boys to finish quickly. The less amount of time we had to waste, the better. It would be best we all had a distraction for the rest of the day.

"I adore both of you," I said quickly, "You both are incredibly powerful and for such different reasons. I could name no other with a sharper mind than you Eliza and Kahuna I'd place no wager against you in a battle."

Eliza and Kahuna glanced at each other before chuckling.

"My friend, I'd bet you could calm a dragon," Eliza teased.

My cheeks heated, "I could not."

"Don't be so sure," Kahuna laughed loudly, "I'd bet my title as General you could sweet talk the scales off one too. Such a silver tongue indeed."

Luckily, I didn't have to respond as the stable boy announced the carriage was ready. We all squeezed inside, and overall the ride to the city was quiet and tense. However, soon as we began to get closer and closer to the festival, music could be heard. Just like the previous day, the city was quite lively. We climbed out of the carriage, walking down the main path as people around us stopped to stare. My cheeks heated with the attention but I reminded myself to keep my head high and my gaze hard.

"Your highness!"

I turned slightly. Dressed in a plush purple gown was Mary Tupo, and at her side in a pale purple gown was Scarlet Gayen. The two talked brightly to Eliza, and I looked down the path where a crowd had gathered. To my surprise, they didn't have their attention on the two princess's beside me, but rather something else. I tugged Ayden's arm, and we ventured down to the crowd. As we neared, I could hear the seduction of a harp, and that of a woman's singing.

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