Twenty Nine |

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Twenty Nine |

I bathed after the training with Erik, allowing my skin to soak until the water was cold, and eventually Loli came in demanding that it was her duty to wash my hair. I didn't object—too tired to do so and I could not help but feel intimidated by the tension still hanging between us. She then left, silently slipping out of the room. My eyes fluttered closed as I relaxed in the cold water, until Loli returned, a torn look on her face. I blinked slowly at her, tilting my head.

"What is it?" I asked, sitting up, ignoring the cold breeze that tickled at my chest that rose from the water, "What's going on?"

She hesitated before speaking, "Your brother wishes to meet you in the garden for tea."

I sighed, "Alright, I'm on my way."

She didn't say anything, her expression didn't change.

"What is it?" I demanded yet again as I dried my skin.

"Your brother has been met with Royal Messenger Balsick and his only daughter, he wishes for you to attend tea with them."

I frowned before nodding slowly. Anger itched at my skin as I roughly finished drying off. I was annoyed my brother seems to have no consideration towards my own feelings on this matter but I said nothing. Of course he'd go this far. He truly did not care about me, I was simply property to pawn off now.

"Do my hair and help me dress," I snapped, perhaps a tad too harshly.

She flinched but nodded, moving quickly to obey my words. I said nothing as she pinned my brown locks into an elegant style before moving to help me dress. I pulled on my typical undergarments, followed by a pale green gown, along with a floral deep emerald stay, then I slipped on a pair of flat shoes that would be hidden by my skirt and turned to Loli.

"Let us go meet my brother," I hummed, before pausing, "Wait. Where is Lady Eliza?"

She tilted her head, "The princess is in her room."

"Let us meet with her first," I said firmly.

Loli said nothing, as I stomped towards her room. My knock was rapid, and within a moment's time she swung open the door. My eyes flickered between her shrivelled hair and the wrinkled gown of Lady Mary Tupo. My eyes widened in surprise, but I quickly turned my head. A tang of guilt hit me and while they seemed innocent I realized I had interrupted something that I was never meant to discover.

"Ah Ara," Eliza said breathlessly, pushing a stray lock behind her ear as if it would conceal her secret, "Can I help you with something?"

"I'd like you to accompany me to visit my brother in the garden," I said with a small smile, "It seems my brother does not understand the concept of consent and I'd like a member of the royal family to witness whatever transpires in the garden."

She looked surprised before a cold laugh fell from her lips. It almost made me shiver, reminding me much of her mother before I caught myself and held my chin up high. She was not mocking me, but instead excited of the chaos I promise to bring. This was my position now, and this was my promise to the system that stupidly accepted me without a second thought.

"My favourite elemental continues to remind me why I love her so," she laughed.

On the bed Lady Tupo let out a soft noise. Eliza turned to look at her, I didn't see the look but it commanded obedience—enough obedience that Lady Tupo stood, her eyes casted on the ground as she quickly left the room. Eliza sighed softly, but did not follow her lover.

"Loli I have sent Rosa to pick flowers and prepare mugwort, I want it strong and fresh."

My lady in waiting nodded at Eliza before turning and leaving. Eliza then looked back to me, and grabbed both my hands tightly. So tightly I flinched, but didn't dare pull my grasp free of hers—instead I tensed as she leaned into my ear.

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