Forty-Four |

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Forty-Four |

    I stayed with Phoenix for a long while. Until Aldrich had left and the moon had risen. Realizing how old she was made me worry that we didn't have as much time as I thought, so I wished to spend as much as I could with her. Eventually however, exhaustion pressed against me like that of a winter coat and I eventually dragged myself back towards my room. However, as I went, I realized I would not be able to find sleep even despite my exhaust. My mind was whirling with the pressures that the morning would bring. So, I found myself in father's library. 

"Will this be the last time I visit this room?" I muttered to myself, walking among the vast array of shelves. "Will I fall victim to this world like you?"

"If you have thoughts of failure already, then how can you expect to win?" 

I turned, spotting Oberon sitting on the aged table, in his hands a book. He didn't glance up at me, but I surely doubt he was reading. I smiled slightly, my hand dropping from the shelf as I looked over at him. Seeing him so comfortable, it had that lingering ache in my chest melting away. Perhaps he'd forgiven me for my harsh words. 

"I've missed you," I breathed softly. 

"You seen me the other day."

"Only briefly," I argued with a frown. "Are you angry with me?"

He closed the book, looking up at me. "I cannot harbor such destructive feelings towards you. I am but your loyal servant. Here for whatever you wish to do to me. Even if that means sometimes, I do not always obey you." 

My eyes rolled as I neared him. "That doesn't make sense."

"Doesn't it?" He hummed, those golden eyes glowing in the dim lighting. "If nothing else, I've always been clear of my intent. I will keep you safe. Even if that means from yourself. When your mind becomes a weapon, I shall be it's sheath. When your heart becomes dull, I shall be a furnace of tranquility. When your—"

"I get it," I whispered, placing my hands over his mouth, my cheeks burning.  

He nuzzled against my flesh. I could feel the soft kisses of his lips against my palms and a warmth filled me. The fae was so utterly beautiful, I couldn't help but be ensnared by him. I pressed my palms up his face, the smooth surface of his skin a path under my fingers as I moved up to his horns. He seemed to tense ever so slightly as my fingers reached their base and I stopped just shy of touching them. 

"Do all fae have horns?" I murmured. 

He smirked slightly. "Darling, you know the answer to that." 

They did not. Ebby certainly didn't. 

"Would you love me, if I commanded it?" I asked. 

The fae paused, surprise falling onto his face. "How would you define love?" 

It seemed the fae had outsmarted my question. A bitter smile grew on my face. I thought I'd known the feeling of love through family. And yet, Fionn had betrayed me, my cousins had lied to me and Uncle almost had me killed. I loved my parents and I'd known they loved me, but that sentiment meant little for the dead. Then, I had no friends to say one way or another and Ebby was loyal to me but I'd hardly say it was love. I'm sure even Phoenix followed me because she had been loyal to father. 

I dropped my hands and looked away. "I-I—I suppose I don't really know." 

"Then I could not love you if you commanded it," he mused, his fingers gently caressing my cheek. "I wouldn't know what you expected from me little one." 

"That nickname again," I hissed. "Stop calling me that. It sounds like you are infantilizing me, and I am not something to be underestimated. I am not little—" 

"But you are," he hummed, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer. I gasped, immediate warmth filling me and halting the words that clogged my throat. "In this vast world you are little. I say it not to infantilize you but to humanize you. You are my little queen, a little vessel for great power. It is important to remember what we are, it humbles us. And, compared to me, you are little. My darling little diamond."

I wiggled in his grasp, my face so hot I'm sure it could cook an egg. "Let me go!"

"If you wish," he sighed. 

I had commanded it and yet, when his arms fell away, why did I feel so cold?

"I'll be leaving tomorrow," I said softly. "Did you know that?"


"Erik sent assassins, did you know that as well?"

"I did."

I frowned. "You're not very useful as a protector, are you?"

"You handled yourself well, you did not need my meddling."

"You were watching and did not say hello?" I gasped, pouting. "That's rather rude."

He smirked. "Forgive me. I shall say hello next time."

"Next time?" My brow rose. "Do you expect more assassins to visit me?"

"Of course. You'll be the savior of this world. Such a title is bound to have many enemies. Worry not, I have no doubt in your abilities," he hummed. "Ah, but for now, you ought to worry of your rest. How will you dance if you are tired?"

"Will you be watching?" I asked, my lips dry. 

Why did such a thought have me so nervous? I licked across their dry surface. 

"Of course," he murmured, his eyes flickering to my lips. "I'm always watching."

"Good sir," I giggled. "That kind of attitude will get you arrested for treason."

He smirked, his thumb brushing over my lips. "Only if I'm caught." 

My heart fluttered and I closed my eyes to calm myself. When I opened them, my fae protector was gone. A sigh left my lips. What a fool I was. What a fool indeed. I pressed my hands to my heart and straightened my shoulders. I had a long day ahead of myself, I could not distract myself with silly illusions. Not now. 

"Ebby?" I murmured. "Is it foolish that my heart skips a beat whenever Oberon appears? Not like once with Erik, but something rather strange. As if the very strands of my heart were wrapped around those beautiful horns."

He appeared on my shoulder. "Mek, mek." 

I nodded. "You're right my wise friend. You are right." 

Taking one last look at the library, I returned to my room. 

"Ebby," I yawned from where I lounged in the tub, one foot hung over the edge allowing a trail of bubbles to drip onto the floor. "Do you think Oberon is truly loyal to me?" 

"Mek. Mek. Mek, mek," he chirped, rolling around on the bed in a pile of rose petals. 

I hummed. 

The scent of hyacinth candles tickled at my nose—perhaps lighting so many was a poor decision. Ah, but I'd be gone tomorrow on a journey for, well, I didn't know how long for. I didn't know much. Phoenix and I might have to sleep outside many nights. Which only confirmed my decision to relax in the tub using an absurd amount of scent oil and soaps, and a row of candles so vast that the room seemed to have it's own daylight. 

"Yes, that is true—will you stop scratching your bottom?" I sighed. 

He paused, those delightfully beady eyes glancing at me. "Mek."

"I don't care how itchy it is," I grumbled. "It is unbecoming of a—my goodness, what am I saying?" I groaned, throwing my hands up, spilling more water. "I sound like a judgemental royal. Perhaps the knowledge of my father's linage is getting to my head. Forgive me."


At least I felt a tad more confident about tomorrow.

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