Thirty Two |

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Thirty Two |

"Where are we going?" I grumbled following after Fionn.

He had fetched me in the early morning. Instructing me to wear the elemental uniform—white button up designed with the earth emblem, a white waist coat, white trousers and a pair of shiny new boots. Following behind me in a brown gown is Loli and dressed in similar fashion as me is Adyn, a shiny fire symbol on her shirt.

"You will see when we arrive," he replied.

My eyes rolled as he led us through the castle grounds, past the large studying buildings and further until we reached a larger building that seemed busy with elementals. It was an arena, I realized bitterly by the large amount of people around us. Some were sparing in close combat, others were sparing with their elements, and some stood around watching. Heads turned towards us as we walked by, and I could hear the whispers. I looked towards Fionn nervously but he didn't return my gaze. Instead, he continued forward. I sighed, keeping my chin high as a pathetic attempt to act as if I did not care.

He lead us into the arena, through the large steps and eventually through a dark hall. I followed, growing nervous as the amount of people around us eventually grew little. When the dark hall opened up, I noticed we stood at the opening of the large arena area. At each corner of the fighting pit was an element. At one, a large red fire, the next a small waterfall, the next a tree sprout and finally, at the last a large bag of dust. My eyes grew wide as I first noticed the group of elementals—royal elementals—standing around and then my eyes moved up to the large sides of the arena before looking at the seating area and finally looking at the royal family's sitting area. It was nice, their area tented with royal fabric, silk blankets and chairs set up along with royal banners down the sides.

"You will clear the arena," Fionn suddenly spoke to the gathered crowd, "Go train elsewhere, I will be using this area for the morning."

My eyes snapped back to him with surprise.

"We need to train too," one man snapped, stepping forward.

Fionn's eyes narrowed. Suddenly, a rush of wind tickled the side of my face. A jet of water shot out from the waterfall, it rotated in the air before forming into a frozen spear. Fionn grabbed it so fast I almost lost the movement, and then my brother moved. He darted forward, swinging the spear before stopping. I gasped, the spear's sharp tip resting just under the man's chin. The man let out a hiss of pain, a bead of blood dripping down his neck but he didn't flinch.

"I gave you an order," Fionn said deathly quiet, "Continue to disobey that order and I will be forced to take your life. You will not be able to gain the Queen's favor dead, the Queen favors no dead man. Understand?"

The man nodded slowly, "We will train elsewhere today."

Fionn let the spear go, it turned to water again as soon as his touch left it. The area cleared quickly after the incident. Too quiet—not even a whisper was heard among them. They feared Fionn, I realized quickly. I thought at first it might be because of his position as the heir advisor, but that wasn't it. They feared his anger, his power. It echoed Erik's former words about my brother having no issues murdering him one day.

I shivered slightly.

"Do you have a critique for me?" he demanded.

My eyes shifted to his, "No."

"Really?" he mused, a brow arching, "You're fine with how I treated the royal elementals? They are the queen's favourite elementals, you could very well be placed against one in the tournament. They will view you as my sister, and they will attack as such."

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