Forty |

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Forty |

"You shouldn't worry much," Eliza sighed, "You will beat Emmett and you will bear your first match. This is a mere show to get the nobles excited. No doubt, now all will be watching not only you but Emmett as well. He will gain more sponsors eager to fund his chances of victory over a Roisin and now others will jump at the chance to fund a Roisin."

I sipped at my third glass of wine. Both ladies sipped at their mug wort, but it was much too dangerous to drink such an effective tea before my match tomorrow however, I welcomed the seductive lull of the wine. Somehow, I had become their doll as they dressed me in my gown for the festival to marvel at my form. It was embarrassing to say the least. The gown at least, was as beautiful as the others. It was of moss green colouring. With long sleeves that stopped at the top of my arm pits before widening at my hands. The gown left my shoulders and back full exposed. The front hugged my breasts tightly before reaching up into a high neck collar, and then moved down into the skirt. It tied at the back with many tight laces, as did the sleeves. Overall, the fabric was soft and forgiving against my skin, despite the many gems sewn all over it's surface.

Kahuna nodded in agreement, "You are a strong earth elemental, the disadvantage of your element will mean nothing. The pathetic worm will think twice before attempting to shame you again after this. Let him devour his pathetic bed of shame, allow him to lay in a pool of his own blood and fester his death with the hate he holds."

"My, such unladylike talk," Eliza mused to her.

Kahuna glared, "You speak of strategy. I speak of victory. That is the difference between a General and a mere Royal."

"The mind will always victor over beastly acts."

They glared at each other for a moment, giving me a moment of peace. I sighed wondering how I ended up in this strange situation. Not only back at Eliza's tea table with the two princesses but before playing dress up with the two. It was strange indeed, these two seemed to not like each other and yet both rushed over to chat after the matches of today.

"Where is Rosa and Ayden?" I asked.

"Preparing your uniform for tomorrow," Eliza replied, with a dismissive gesture.

I blinked, "My uniform is ready, it has been for days."

"I have requested alterations."

"Why?" I gasped, "Is that not against rules?"

"No," it was Kahuna who spoke now, "The rules state each elemental participating must be presented in their kingdom's elemental uniform. There is no rules against alterations as long as the uniform is not changed. It is not publicly spoken as it is a strategy technique."

I grew quiet, it sounded unfair. Those who could not afford alterations would be at a disadvantage. I supposed however, the way the Queen picked the matches were also unfair. Of course, I should not be surprised by the actuality of how unfair the court truly was.

"What alterations?" I asked.

She smirked at me, "I won't tell. When you win your first fight and gain the privilege to fight against a royal elemental, I shall reward you with my secrets."

My head tilted, "Won't I have the advantage of the alterations either way?"

The princess' eyes gleamed like a mischievous feline, "Not if you do not know how to properly use your advantages."

"Such a cruel princess of the West," Kahuna hummed, sipping her tea.

My head began to ache simply from sitting near them, or perhaps that was simply the wine's affect beginning to seep into my blood. Slowly, I stood. My fingers lightly pressing to the side of my head. They two instantly seized their passive bickering before looking at me curiously. I shifted from foot to foot for a moment before longingly looking towards my chamber door. It looked so perfect there, as if beckoning me for an early sleep.

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