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He nodded, a chuckle on his lips, "Ride Griffin!" 

The other horse, Griffin, obeyed his command. And as he started off, Phoenix followed in a slow trot. My legs squeezed her sides as I attempted to stay on, the ride was not as easy as I had expected but my horse seemed to sense this, riding gently. I wrapped the reins around my hands, and within a few moments, I felt my body relax and I grew used to the sensation. 

"Shall we quicken?" I asked Aldrich. 

He looked back towards me, "Are you sure? It is only your first ride."

"And by the look my brother gave me the last," I laughed back, "Come on Aldrich, please. Let us go faster. I wish to have the wind tousle my hair." 

He hesitated. 

"Oh come on," I whined now, "Please Aldrich!"

He smiled apologetically, "Next time. I promise there will be a next time."

I pouted, but I want to go fast. 

Suddenly, Phoenix bucked up into the air on her back legs, letting out a wild noise of excitement. I let out a scream, leaning forward and pulling on the reins. Aldrich shouted, and suddenly, Phoenix took off. At an unhuman speed. My breathe caught, my eyes squeezing tightly in horror, the wind slapping my face viciously. Then, I realized, she was riding fast and yet carefully. Peeling open my eyes, I gasped in delight. 

"Yes!" I laughed, as the wind danced across my body, the world dashing by, "Faster! Go faster Phoenix!"  

She seemed to understand me, her hooves like thunder against the ground. We flew through the forest, she moved with the elegance of running water and the grace of the breeze around us. A laugh tickled my throat, and I felt that itch return to my skin. But this time, I embraced it, allowing the excitement of the run fuel me. It was as if the forest around us was moving out of our it was more than that. 

It was as if we were apart of the forest. 

Bonded so closely that the forest and us were one and the same. Every breath I took, the forest inhaled and exhaled with me. When I moved, it moved. When Phoenix and I jumped into the air, the roots swayed to jump with us. When I laughed, the trees shook with humor. This feeling, it was nothing like I had felt before. 


It was Aldrich's voice that had me rushing back to my senses. My eyes widened as his own horse came out of no where, his hand catching my reins with ease as he pulled Phoenix gently into Griffin. Phoenix let out a snort of disapproval but she slowed, until we stopped completely. I laughed nervously, looking out towards the distant wall of the castle's outer wall. My body felt worn but not tired. 

"What was that?" he panted out of breath. 

I chewed on my lip nervously, "I-I don't know, I just wanted to go fast."

"Well you did," he chuckled, exhaling hard, "I'd never seen such riding! It was like you had the entire forest under your control." 

I giggled, feeling breathless, "That would be nice."

"You talk as if you are no earth elemental," he mused. 

I bit my lip, tears filling my eyes, "Because I am no earth elemental."

And then, as if the world had finally became too much, I told the Prince of Nerorian everything. Every single detail about my feelings, about Mama, Fionn, the Queen—every single thing that weighed heavily upon my heart, I told him it all. And he listened. Kindly, and still holding onto Phoenix' reins. He accepted all of my truth and without judgement. 

After a while, when my tears stopped—drying upon my cheeks and my throat grew sore with exhaustion, I found no more words to speak. And still he listened. I felt as if Aldrich was the brother I had lost so long ago, and the brother I would never have. 

"I apologize your highness," I whispered, looking up towards the bright sky that peaked through the forests mighty branches, "I spoke too much."

"Ciara," he said, a heaviness in his voice, "Say the word and I will take you far from this place. You will always have a home in Neorian, that I promise you."

I smiled shyly, "I don't think the king of Neorian will accept this request."

"You would be surprised," he laughed. 

I sighed. The ride was so lovely, and yet I knew it was time to return back to the life I had been escaping. Aldrich looked at my face and saw it too. So my reins slipped from his fingers and he began trotting back at a slow pace in the direction of the castle's stable. As we approached, my heart continued to sink as I looked upon Fionn, Erik, Loli, Benji and Bram. As our horses hooves danced across the ground, they looked up. I could see the pure anger in Fionn and Erik's eyes and I bit nervously onto my lip. 

"Good afternoon brother," I said softly, slipping off of Phoenix's mighty back, "Prince Erik, and others. What brings your attention here?"

"What the hell were you thinking?" Fionn boomed, crossing the ground within a moment's time, and grabbing the front of my shirt, "Your dressing, your actions—what the absolute fuck have you done sister?"

I didn't dare flinch, "Get off me."

"Erik stop him," Bram said quickly, nervously. 

"I would watch your actions Fionn Roisin," Aldrich said lazily but his eyes sharp, "it would be very insulting to speak in such a way in front of a guest prince."

Fionn's eyes flickered over to him, briefly surprised, "Have you slept with him?"

"What?" I gasped. 

"How dare you," Aldrich growled lowly.

Erik hummed, "Stay out of this Aldrich Albion. She belongs to her brother's name." 

I laughed bitterly, "Is that right brother? I am your object by blood?"

"Enough!" Fionn snarled, shoving me as he let me go, making me stumble and fall onto my arse, "I have given you time, and kindness but I am at my wits end with you. Ever since you have arrived, you have been nothing but trouble. Mother and Father—" 

He caught himself, but his words did their part.

"Mother and father what?" I cried angrily, standing up. That itch returned to my body and I couldn't hold it back, "Do continue brother. Speak on behalf of our dead parents. Oh I am sure Mama would love to see the pathetic and mindless man you have become!"

I heard the slap first. 

My eyes widened, my lips parting in surprise and for a moment my body took a step back. I had wondered why my body reacted in such a way. That was until the sting followed the noise. And I spotted the movement of his hand. It was only then I realized he had slapped me. 

Fionn had slapped me.

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