Forty One |

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Forty One |

"Can you enlighten me about any of the revisions?" I asked slowly.

Ayden merely smiled, "Forgive me, I must not say."

I nodded, it was just as well. In any case, the uniform felt the same to me and looked the same. I could feel the inside had been lined with some sort of fabric but which type I could not tell. It felt as soft as silk but it would be silly for the inside to be swapped with something as fragile as mere silk. Nervousness filled me as she moved to do my hair. My chestnut locks were pulled back into a long braid which started from the base of my skull and went to the tip of my locks. It hurt terrible but I got used to the dull ache very quickly.

Soon, it was time to make our way to the arena. When we reached the entrance into the fighting pit, a guard stopped us, he told us we could not enter until our designated time. I looked around, noticing the nervous faces of those also waiting for their match.

"Are you alright?" Ayden asked.

"Yes," I whispered softly, the lie sweet on my tongue.

"Do not worry, I will wait for you," she said with a smile, "My own match is not until the afternoon. I shall even wait until yours is done."

I shook my head, a soft laugher flying from my lips.

"No, it's alright. You should find a good seat."

"No I couldn't leave you!"

My eyes softened, "Please Ayden."

She bit her lip carefully before nodding, "Yes. Alright."

I was relieved when she left. Only because I needed a moment of time to panic for myself. Ayden was skilled at calming my nerves but I needed to relish in that panic. It would remind me that I needed to win this fight.

I had waited many matches. Until only me and another stood waiting for our fate. Despite being curious, I kept my head down. The last thing I wanted was her misunderstanding my panic for weakness or insult. So, I kept quiet and as small as possible. Then, a guard came from the tunnel, as he did, he nodded to the guard at the door.

"Talia Koa," the guard called, "You may enter."

I watched a deeply tanned woman in the Arianne fire uniform move forward. She was beautiful, with her head high as she moved forward. Her black hair had been slicked back with oil all the way down to her lower back. It was styled into a pony tail but every inch or so the hair was tied, much like bubbles. I believe I saw the style in one of the fashion books, it was called the bubble braid. As she passed me, her eyes bore into mine, then she frowned before moving to the guard. He nodded, then let her pass into the entrance. As she did, the guard escorted her into the tunnel. Then after another moment, he returned.

"Ciara Roisin," the guard said after a moment, "You may enter."

I nodded slowly, feeling a sickness coil around in the pit of my stomach. Just like before with Fionn, we walked into the arena, our shoes clicking against the stone, down the large steps and eventually through that dark hall. Within the dark hall another guard was stationed, there he stopped me suddenly.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Ciara Roisin!"

I tensed at the voice, turning to see King Teowulf lazily walking down the tunnel. I bowed towards him, before nodding towards the entrance of the battle pit.

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