Five |

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HELLO FRIENDS! I apologize for the delay, I've been a little behind setting up weekly updates for my NEW BOOK: CLAIMED BY THE DON!!! Please check it out! Updates for TEC will go back to weekly updates on Sunday <3

Five |

Kahuna and I walked at a leisurely pace through the keep. She showed me to all the grand places from the multiple training rooms, different chambers, library, indoor gardens and all of the outside spaces within the keep. As we walked through the large garden, she discussed the different points around the city that would be of interest to me.

My mind was more interested in other details.

"How long has Orris Thistle been a duke?" I asked.

She paused, glancing at me curiously, "Do you fancy Duke Thistle?"

I gasped loudly, "As if! I merely wish to know his credentials."

A giggle slipped from her lips, "He has been a duke for a long while now. He took over when his father was murdered on the battlefield. Since then he has taken no interest in any woman and has pledged his full loyalty to the royal family."

My brow rose, "What is that?"

"What is what?" her voice was much too innocent.

I stopped walking and crossed my arms over my chest, "That last blurb. What is that?"

"I merely wished to inform you about his past history—"

"Of women. Which I am not interested in."

"Sure, sure."

My eyes rolled, and my mind wandered again as we walked.

"Kahuna, that room back there," I said slowly, "Who is allowed in there?"

She tilted her head towards me, the mood between us darkening, "The dungeon?"

I nodded.

"Only a select few," she admitted, "my father or Aldrich, myself and Orris."

"Orris?" I grumbled, "Why him?"

A sigh slipped from her lips as she looked towards the clear night sky, "That is a complicated question. One I cannot answer. However, the hand Orris had been given by fate is much like your own. It's a terribly sad tale and much like you, he's been trapped into his place."

I hummed, looking towards a patch of glowing flowers. I had not seen them before nor had I ever viewed such in any books and yet I knew their name, I knew they were called fairy locks and they boosted elemental abilities. I knew the name of every flower, herb and gem around us—somehow as if my earth abilities had bloomed in my mind.

"I hope that is not the case," I muttered, "I would not hope my situation on anyone."

She nodded, "I hope one day, such a world can exist."

A breeze blew past us and I found myself needing to know, "What is in the dungeon?"


I shifted from foot to foot, "If only royalty and a select few can enter, what is in there?"

A long silence fell over us and she chuckled lowly, "How much do you know of Neorian? Of our first leader, Queen Isabeau Albion?"

I shook my head, "Not much I'm afraid. I know she married Arthur Albion?"

"She did," Kahuna agreed, "And had three children. One daughter, and two sons. The youngest son, Merrik Albion would become the heir. However, during the time of Isabeau's reign, the criostalan cridhe would be put in place and used to protect the land. It is our blood and only our blood that has the rare ability to grow gems and had a special bond with the fae. Or so the stories go."

Such an ability I heard of. It made me wonder if I could have such an ability as well.

I looked at her curiously, "How so?"

She smiled slightly, "The tale says fae were always drawn to Isabeau, and whatever she did, they wished to assist her. They wished to be near her. One in particular was a drake."

"A drake?" I repeated with a frown, "What is a drake?"

"A dragon without wings," Aldrich's voice called.

I turned, watching him stroll down the path, "You couldn't sleep either?"

"How could I?" he teased, "You have my bed."

A frown crossed my face, "You jest."

"Of course," he chuckled, "Why are we talking of drakes?"

"I was telling Ara of our heritage."

"You may be related to a dragon, but I am not," he huffed, puffing his chest out.

I giggled.

"You're an idiot," she sighed, "Isabeau Albion had a drake."

"Really?" he mused, stretching his arms above his head, "I shouldn't have skipped such classes. Although, they did bore me terribly. Little sister, why could you not sleep?"

"She's too busy questioning about Orris," Kahuna snickered.

My face heated, "I am not!"

"Orris?" he groaned, "He's much too serious."

I threw up my hands, and spun on my heels, "Suddenly, I feel tired!"

They laughed at my expense as I fled.

After such an adventure, sleep came easy. When the sun rose, I found myself jolted awake by the harsh knocking of a most unwelcome gentlemen. The horrid voice of Orris continued to dash away my dreams as I stirred awake.

"Get up Lady Roisin," he yelled, "We have a busy day."

I groaned, sitting up and fixing my shift, "Go away Duke Thorn."

"It's Thistle," he yelled back, "I'm sure you know that Raggy Princess."

A gasp of annoyance flew from my lips and I slipped from the bed to throw open the door. He stood in all his glory, his blonde locks practically glowing with cleanliness and his floral armor glowing. I winced against his celestial image. T'was too much for such an early morning. He certainly was too much.

"Good, you're awake," he mused, his eyes flickering over my form, "Dress and come out. And be sure to dress modestly, I can see your nipples."

I let out a scream, slamming the door. My face red and my body shaking with anger. How dare he? I should kill him for such insolence! With more anger than patience, I dressed in a long skirt and white corset decorated with gems and black floral lace. I then laced the boots and roughly braided my hair. My heart hurt for a moment and I missed Adyn terribly. I was sure to wrap my wrist, and pull on a pair of brown gloves before making sure my bangs were in place.

I returned to the door, my eyes narrowed, "Duke Thistle."

He smirked at me, "Raggy Princess."

"Might I remind you," I purred, stepping out, "I can have you killed for insulting my honor in such a disgusting way."

"Might I remind you, that you opened the door in nothing but a shift?"

I licked my lips slowly, "I do not like you."

"I share such a feeling," he muttered, "Come. Kahuna has instructed I take you to the library where you may find our historic archives. Then we shall train."

Against my better judgement, I followed after him, "What's in the dungeon?"

"Nothing that concerns you," he replied without missing a beat.

I smirked smugly, "Then perhaps I shall sneak in."

"And what?" he mused, "Take a tour of the many terrible prisoners?"

My eyes rolled, "How hard was it to say that?"

"It's not hard, it's simply not your business," he replied, turning and walking off.

I paused, my rage only building. One way or another, I would beat this man in something. Whether it not be in a battle of tongues, then certainly on the training field. I had killed one man without my abilities, I could certainly best another. 

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