Twenty Three|

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Twenty Three |

It angered me, why had Fionn not mentioned this event to me? Surely he was not waiting until last minute to inform me, and yet it had already became last minute.

"Where is my brother?" I asked slowly, silently seething.

Benji sighed deeply, "Fionn and heir Prince Erik have travelled to the city of Evinare. They should be back in four days time."

"Is it close?"

He hesitated, "I don't think it is wise to—"

"—Is it near?" I cut him off, holding my head high and my gaze firm.

He nodded, "It is a few hours trip."

"Loli," I said turning to face her, she jolted standing quickly, "How are noblewoman to travel around? I wish to take a trip to Evinare."

"By carriage my lady," she replied nervously, "But Evinare is in a sorrowful state at the moment. An unknown illness rests over the city."

My eyes widened, and I suddenly thought of Mama, "What illness?"

"Even the queen is unsure," she spoke in a low tone, "It had claimed the Duke of Evinare first. And now, the entire city is being ravished by illness, not to mention without a Duke, the city has no order, and no one to manage the city."

"Why is Erik and Fionn there?" I demanded, out of curiosity.

She bit her lip, "Heir Prince Erik is attempting to name a new Duke, while also trying to set up a group of healers. However, with the unknown illness, no noble healer wishes to set foot in the place to help commoners."

"Pathetic," I snarled not expecting nobles to be so heartless, "We will go at once. But first, bring me Bram. He will come with me. The city needs help."

"My lady?" She sounded confused.

Benji looked at me in understanding, a smirk on his face, "I will require a few hours once we arrive, but I shall grow as many herbs as I can."

"Thank you Benji," I smiled.

Loli looked between us, "Pardon me but I am confused."

"Bram will come because Benji must guard him. Which means Benji will come," I said quickly, "Which means while the subject of healers is difficult, the city will get herbs that can help ease pain, fevers and so on. Bring me my allowance as well."

She nodded hurrying off.

Benji clicked his tongue, "We should be careful in our travels."

"You mean Lady Roisin shouldn't be discovered helping," I said bitterly.

He nodded, "It should be find for Bram, he is seen as the weak royal son but for a Roisin to help without anything in return, it will make you seem weak. If other nobles see you as weak they will attempt to challenge you and tear you apart."

I swallowed harshly, "We will be careful."

"Benji?" Bram's voice panted, as he appeared in the door.

Bram appeared quicker than I expected, his clothing disheveled and a sweat clinging to his body. I smiled, curtsying slightly, as he walked in. His eyes lingered on me, taking in the deep green gown I wore and the braids that Loli had pinned to my head.

"Lady Roisin," he chuckled, "You look more and more like you belong every day."

"And yet everyday I stray further and further from my morals," I replied.

He chuckled, "Tis the life of a noble. Why had your attending fetched me?"

I filled him in quickly and he inhaled sharply once I was done.

"This will be a difficult feat," he murmured carefully, "If my mother find out you meddled in a dying city in order to give out free elemental care without pay she will punish you dearly, perhaps even claim your life."

I nodded with a sigh, "I understand. Very well, I will go alone and do what I can."

"You can't grow herbs," Benji replied with confusion.

"But I cannot put you in danger."

"With all due respect my lady," Benji replied with a frown, "I wish to go."

My eyes widened, "You do?"

"Yes," he bowed, "Please allow me to help."

"Very well," I smiled brightly, happiness filling my heart, "Let us go."

The carriage arrived quickly and with little restraint from the castle guards, we entered quickly and without question. However, as we entered, Loli passed me a velvet white hood. I argued against it but Bram quickly shot me a frown. So with a heavy sigh, I pulled the thick and soft fabric onto my shoulders and pulled up the hood. As the carriage began down the road, I turned towards Bram.

"Are you certain you will not get into trouble for coming along?" I asked.

He gave me a half smile, "I thought you wished me to come along for the sake of Benji's abilities? Why such sudden doubts?"

"Not doubts," I replied, "But after thoughts. I wish for your company for the sake of having Benji travel along—and that I will not lie about, but I will not disallow your choice in the matter. This journey puts all of us in danger."

"More for you than anyone else," he hummed, "And yet, here you sit."

The itch returned as I frowned, "Those people need help."

"No more than any other plague-ridden village," Bram replied, his words beginning to annoy me, the itch growing under the surface of my skin, "You cannot help them all."

"Why not?" I demanded, angry now, "Why can I not help them all?"

He laughed, "Well that is simply not realistic. Not to mention how that could force the heiarchary to crumble. We cannot help every village, that would rise the threat of what happens when there is so many striving villages and not enough dying out."

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