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And yet, one could find themselves craving a little sour now and then. 

My gaze lifted and I looked over at him curiously. His black locks tussled as if he had been running his fingers over and over through them, his shirt unbuttoned slightly and while his demeanor could be considered cautious, there was a sense of power in his eyes. One might even consider that the man had no need to be cautious. 

"Lady Roisin," he said coldly, making me flinch, "Good day to you."

Fionn glanced over at me expectantly. 

"Prince Erik," I said softly, "to you as well." 

The bastard smirked behind Fionn's back. He had been ignoring me all week and I had foolishly thought that meant his attention was off me. Just as I responded, the two left. Fionn giving me a small nod in his wake. As they left, I chugged down my tea at rapid speed, allowing it to burn down my throat. My eyes watered and I slammed down the cup with a harsh cough. 

"My Lady!" Loli gasped, wacking at my back, "Are you alright?" 

I nodded, heaving in air my fingers digging into the wooden table, "C-Cold water."

She hurried off to fetch some when a hsss caught my ear. I paused in my state of panic and looked down at the table. There where the table had been smooth before, a small dent now had formed. A little crack that meant nothing and yet it lit a hope inside me. A large grin forming on my face; it was enough to fuel my desperation to form some sort of elemental ability. The dent could not had been formed by my own fragile strength, no this was the sign that I really was an elemental. An earth elemental, just like Fionn had suspected. 

I laughed with delight. No matter how weak I was, I was still an elemental. 

"My Lady?" Loli asked with confusion. 

I sat up, excitement filling me, "Let's go for a walk."

We wandered around the stable, nearing the large horse track flanked with thick trees and beautiful dandelions. With the sun quickly setting, Loli demand I wear a peach coloured shall over my shoulders, but I refused. I could not help but allow my excitement get the better of me, and forget my status for a moment. 

That moment would become dangerous. 

We walked along the wooden fence, leading away from the stables and away from the castle. The further we got the darker the sky became. I pressed my hand into the wooden railing of the fence, willing anything at all to happen like it had in Eliza's tea room. While nothing did happen, I didn't lose hope. I had seen with my own eyes the spark of power and I wasn't going to allow myself to forget that so easily. 

"My Lady," Loli said getting nervous, "We should begin to head back now."

I frowned at her, "We only just got here."

"But the sun is setting," she pressed, "It is not safe."

I turned to look at her, confusion filling me, "Why not?"

Perhaps it was my lack of shall, or perhaps my fate was mocked by my foolish question but as the words left my lips, three men approached us. They were dressed in elemental guard attire, with the fire symbol above their heart. As they approached, they were loud and wobblily, no doubt under the influence of either alcohol or something more tempting to the senses. I swallowed the lump in my throat, my hand falling from the railing to cross over my chest, my head lifted a notch. 

"Well now," one growled, having bright and wild eyes, "What are two courtesans doing so close to the stables? I'd think to find Prince Erik taking up most of your night or has he climaxed too early for your likings? Or maybe, he wishes to meet you at his favourite brothel?" 

I gasped, my eyes wide and jaw dropping. 

Shock fell over me and all I could do was freeze.  

"G-Goodevening Masters," Loli spoke with a shaking voice and a jittering bottom lip, "We a-are not court-tesans but instead Princ--"

"--Prince Erik's what?" the second snickered, "What lies have he told you? Maybe he promised to be a perfect lover, or other words to get under that skirt." 

"You are making a m-mistake," she whispered, hot tears in her eyes. 

The third laughed, "A mistake is becoming a whore at such a young age."

I snapped out of my daze as the third moved to grab Loli. Anger filled me and I stepped in front of her, my eyes blazing and my fingers digging into the overlayer of my skirt. I kept my head high, and my stance cold. I did not care what abuse these men did to me but they would not hurt her. Not as long as I still had breathe in my lungs.  

"Loli," I said slowly, "Go back to the castle. These men are right, Prince Erik awaits." 

Her fingers dug into my arm, "My Lady..."

"Go now I said!" I snapped. 

She ran off, sobbing as she did so. 

The third smirked, his hand moving forward towards her, "We're not done with her."

I grabbed his arm, digging my nails into his frail flesh, "Yes you are." 

He hissed, rearing back, "You bitch!" 

His hand moved like lightening, hitting the side of my face. I let out a cry, I could feel a hot sting as his hand burned into my cheek. My knees gave out, and my stomach rocked but I felt onto my strength. He was angry I had hurt him, but I was just as angry—perhaps even angrier. My fingers shook as I touched the rawness of the burn on the side of my face, it was slight and would heal over time and yet I had never felt so scarred. 

"You went too far," the first growled to the third. 

I blinked, looking up at the third, anger filling me, and I stood slowly. 

"She is just a whore," the third replied quickly, "She dare scratch me!" 

I laughed bitterly, my anger bubbling wildly now like an unkept stallion. There was an itch that filled my body. Like a heat rash demanding my nails dig into my own flesh for any satisfaction. The three men looked at me, their faces paling as I must had looked entirely and utterly insane. I gravelled in this insanity, my rage worse than the touch of their fire. 

"I will do worse, I promise you that," I replied, my words cracks like lightening, my tone as cold as the most brittle winter, "You have threatened someone dear to me, and worse lay a hand upon my flesh. I will not allow you to go silently into the night."

"Y-You're not Prince Erik's whore," the second whispered. 

I cocked my head, power rumbling through me, "No, I am not."

"She is Lady Roisin," a familiar voice suddenly spoke, calm and cold, "Perhaps you know the name. She is Fionn Roisin's sister."

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