Thirty Six |

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Thirty Six |

            I didn't need to wait long until a figure appeared in my window. My eyes flickered to my table where the candle was standing lit. I looked back to the figure slowly as Emmett Triton's face came into view and I frowned, sitting up.

            "Will you always appear as someone else?" I asked.

            "Naughty girl," he purred, shifting his form to the more familiar one, "I might have to punish you if you don't allow me my fun."

            I watched him carefully, those golden eyes sparkling with mischievous charm. He was dangerous, this fae made me feel strange things. I was attracted to him, how could I not be? Everything about him screamed a dark attraction from his black horns to the way he carried himself in such a sinful way.

It was pure power, knowledge, and pure sexual tension.

"Punish me?" I asked softly, placing my hand on my chest, "How?"

He grinned, showing off a pair of sharp canines.

"Careful little one, do not ask the questions you're not ready to be answered."

I gasped, leaning away from him, my face heating, "I-I have different questions then!"

"I assume as such darling," he replied patiently, leaning against the wall, "I will answer with whatever knowledge I can. I am a being who cannot lie so do not ask for answers you are not ready to hear."

"Who are you?" I demanded.

He chuckled, the sound like fine velvet, "I am my names, the most favorable to myself is Oberon. That is the one you may call me. Or, you may choose a different one to call me."

I frowned, his words no answer at all.

"Oberon is fine. Who are you?" I asked sharply.

His head tilted, his grin growing, "Careful darling, you are not ready for that answer yet."

"Fine," my words gritted, "What can you tell me?"

"What do you want to know?"

I flew from the bed, so angry I had easily forgotten that he was fae.

"Enough of this game," I snarled, grabbing the front of his black fur armor, "You say you will answer all my questions then give me nothing but confusing words or deny to answer! What can you tell me? Do you have knowledge of anything? Why did the golden circlet allow me to see—I do not understand what I saw."

He was taller than me, and as quickly as my words came, they left. My face paled as he grew quiet and I feared I had angered him. Instead however, he laughed, leaning towards me until his horn brushed against my ear. I froze, my eyes widened.

"I like you playing rough," he purred, magic sparking around him, "Do it again."

Fear clung to me, "S-Stay away from me."

"Darling," he whispered, licking my ear gently, "I would never hurt you. Not unless you asked me to, and when you do, I will hurt you so good, you'll forget your little prince's name."

I gasped loudly, desire warming between my legs, "What is wrong with you?"

He leaned back, a smug grin on his face, "Careful little one, keep denying your lust and perhaps I might believe you. However, to answer your previous question, the circlet is one of four...items. Each has been crafted by magic that is made by both sun and moon magic. Due to this, the circlet can do many things that are not explainable by humans."

My mind whirled with confusion, "I-I don't understand."

"Ciara, Darling, The circlet finds beauty in your charm as do I," he replied, moving his hand to mine, "It allowed you to connect two times together bonded by magic. You could speak to Casimir because in that moment, the circlet allowed you to be there. In that different time."

"Casimir," I repeated, "Is that who I spoke to?"

His eyes widened, as if he slipped up by revealing a name. Instead of answering, he pressed his lips to the back of my hand before stepping back. He looked towards the window with sudden interest—I couldn't tell if it was an attempt to evade my question or something else had gotten his attention.

"Is Casimir the other fae?" I asked again.

He looked back to me, his eyes glowing, "Who have you spoken about us to?"

"What?" I hissed, confused.

"You have been careless," he replied darkly, his eyes narrowing, "I look forward to punishing you in person very soon. That you have my promise."

I blinked, and suddenly, he was gone. The candle blowing out. I breathed out slowly, backing up in the dark room to sit on the bed of my bed wondering what had just happened. Pushing the interaction out of my mind, exhaust began to weigh on me and with a deep sigh, I went to bed, hoping the morning would come quickly.

Which was a terrible, terrible mistake.

The next morning, I was forced to endue pure torture by the hands of whom I thought to be my friend. Ayden however, seemed to suggest otherwise as she yanked my locks back into a silly hairstyle she promised was the best fashion, and into a dress that most certainly was worth more than my life. It was beautiful, a deep emerald which had sleeves that started at my upper arms and flowed past my hands, the stay was decorated with a floral design which the gems on the front shone brightly. Against my neck was lovely and very large green stones.

Once I was dressed and ready for the welcome ball, it almost made the torture worth it.


"How is it possible they sparkle so brightly?" I asked her softly. 

"Gems from Neorain always sparkle the brightest," she replied with a giggle.

My brow arched.

"The Princess may have sent word beforehand to your good friend Aldrich who may have funded the gems," she explained, a blush on her cheeks, "and then the Princess may have had her very own seamstress make this gown."

I was speechless, "W-Why?"

"Because you need to stand out like a Roisin today."

Tears filled my eyes, I felt so honored to have such wonderful friends.

"No!" Ayden snapped louder than I've ever heard her.

I looked at her with shock.

"If you dare run your blush and raspberry lip stain I will murder you," she growled.

A giggle slipped from my lips, "Very well. I shall keep it in."

"Good," she squealed with excitement, "Are you ready for the welcome ball?"

"No," I grumbled.

There was a knock at the dressing room and Ayden laughed.

"Too bad that would be your brother to pick you up."

A sigh slipped from my lips, I supposed it was time to be ready.

Else, it might cost me my life.

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