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A lump formed in my throat and I nodded slowly, curtsying before making my way over to her. It was a slow walk on my end and I could feel the eyes of only a few notice the queen's attention on me. It was her first, but then and as if he had heard, the King of Neorian looked over. My eyes flickered from him and back to the queen, wondering why he was staring at me with such attention. My feet slid across the floor towards them, and I was in such a trance, I almost didn't notice when the prince of Neorian left his chair and moved towards the food table.

As I reached the stage, all four throne eyes turned their attention towards me.  

I curtsied as gracefully and as low to the ground as I could go. 

"It is not often I see a new face at my balls to which I did not trade words with before," the queen said, her voice soft and yet as hard as the winter itself, "Who are you?" 

"L-Lady Roisin," I replied back slowly, "It is an honor to meet your presents." 

She hummed, leaning forward in her chair, "Stand up. I want to get a good look at that face of yours. How old are you?" 

A sudden force took hold of my body, forcing me to stand up straight, my face towards hers. I could feel my eyes widened but I held back my fear. I did not want her knowing I had anything to fear from her, let alone the secrets I held. 

"I am 18, your highness," I replied. 

"And yet you only came to the castle recently. Why is that?" 

"I-I wished to stay with my mother." It wasn't a lie.

She hummed, a glen in her eyes, "You're an earth elemental, why did no guards come for you? The choice to stay or go would not have been your own."

"My elemental powers are w-weak," I replied, hating how my voice shook, "Barely anything. I would not have been worthy of your kindness nor your attention, your highness."

She leaned back, the hold leaving my body, "And even so. Earth elementals are a rare breed. Do you know why that is child?" 

I shook my head, "No, your majesty." 

"It is because we have been long hunted," The King of Neorian suddenly said, his voice deep and raspy, he spoke with a low tone one that held such tiredness, "Earth elementals are hunted down and either killed or sold for our abilities to grow. We are the only elemental whom can control life itself. We can also create any type of rock, we can move mountains and grow forests, build cities out of nothing and also destroy just the same."

"I-I didn't realize," I whispered in awe, "That's incredible." 

"Yes, well," the queen sounded annoyed at such pride, "You can now understand our particular acceptance of any earth elementals. Your brother is Fionn Roisin correct?" 

I nodded my head slowly, "Yes your highness."

"Your son's guard?" The king of Neorian sounded surprised, "Is he not a water elemental? You both were born of the same parents and yet you have different elemental abilities? My, such a rare occurrence."

"A rarity indeed," the queen purred, "You should give us a show."

"Your highness?" I whispered in shock. 

She grinned, but it was nothing kind, "Well, I have seen Fionn Roisin's power with my own eyes, however I have heard so much of you and with no show of your abilities yet. You are attending classes yes? It is interesting as I am the one to assign classes to our elementals after judging their level of usefulness. Tell me, why did my son vouch for you to be put into a class without my approval?" 

My lips grew dry, "I am not sure." 

Her brow rose, "Indeed."

"My queen," The king of Ipuinia chuckled, "It is a ball. Allow the child to enjoy herself, we do not want to cause a scene. Go now child."

She didn't turn her attention away from me, "Very well." 

I nodded, quickly curtsying before turning away. My heart hammered in my chest and I knew I had narrowed escaped death or worse. As I walked, my hands shook so I dug my fingers into my skirt to keep focused. With my throat so dry, I moved towards the table of food and drinks in attempt to find water. I reached the table, placing my hands on the edge of it to balance myself before I dare faint. I tensed, as someone moved closely behind me.  

"Tell me," Erik's voice seduced my ears, "Do you enjoy disobeying rules?"

I gasped lightly a blush on my cheeks as I turned to face him, "W-What?"

"Avoid the queen," he scowled, grabbing a glass the colour of honey, "Stay on the balcony, stay with your brother. Was that much too ask? If you enjoy punishment so greatly you should have mentioned that I would gladly bend you ove--"

"--she summoned me!" I said quickly, to keep my face less red, "Her wind controlled me, I had no choice in the matter or believe me, I would have stayed far away from her."

He passed me the glass and my brow rose. 

"Drink Lady Ciara. It will calm your nerves."

So I did, taking a long drink of the cold liquid that burned my throat. Chugging it as fast as I could, ignoring how it burned my eyes. Suddenly, Erik cursed very unroyally and grabbed the glass from my grasp. I coughed lightly into my hand, looking at him with confusion as a lightness filled my chest and moved to my head.  

"That is rose wine you fool!" he hissed quietly, "I said drink, not swallow the thing whole! Are you attempting to get hazed? Or merely trying to get back at Fionn?"

I narrowed my eyes, "Why did you not give me water then? How was I to know?"

"You've never tried wine before?" he looked surprised. 

I giggled, "Do forgive my starving village for not adding that to the list of priorities."

"Forgive me Lady Roisin," he teased with a smirk, "I forget you came from a village. You reek of such elegance and nobility."

I snorted very unladylike, "Perhaps you should stop seeing brothel ladies then."

"How do you know that?" 

I peeked up at him through my lashes. Suddenly his amusement was replaced by anger and I realized the lightness had toyed with my mind a bit too much, my tongue had become loose. My teeth played with my bottom lip and I shrugged my shoulders. 

"One of the men from the other night he said--"

"--hey you!" 

We turned to see the prince of Neorian leaning against the table, with one drink in his hand and his shirt had randomly become unbuttoned in a most unproper way. 

"You're Prince Erik."

"And you're Prince Aldrich," Erik replied curtly. 

I glanced at Prince Aldrich shocked at how much he looked like my own brother. Except where Fionn's brown hair was neat and kept, his own was messy, and where Fionn's eyes were grey this man's eyes were a deep green. Of course, there was also the fact that this man seemed extremely carefree and Fionn...was not. 

"And you?" Prince Aldrich asked of me. 

I smiled shyly, "My name is Ciara Roisin."

"You may call her Lady Roisin," Erik cut in, "She is my advisor's sister."

"The water elemental?" Prince Aldrich said surprised before picking up my hand and kissing the back of it, "Well Lady Roisin, it is lovely to meet you."

I curtsied back, "You as well Prince of Neorian."

"Please call me Aldrich," he said with a smirk and a wink, "I am no Stickler."

A giggle slipped from my lips, "Very well Aldrich, then you must call me Ciara."

"Lady Roisin," Erik hummed with annoyance, "We should go and find your brother."

I nodded with a sigh, the fun was over I guessed.

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