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Fionn had slapped me.

"You will be married by the end of the month," he whispered without mercy, "To a noble family of my choice. You will learn how to be a proper noble woman and you will learn quickly. You are my responsibility and I will not have you ruin all that I have built for us."

"That is enough," Aldrich snapped, slipping off his horse.

Fionn glared at him, "I do not know what relation you have with my sister but I promise you it will not end well. You will leave her alone, and you will not toy with her."

"She is a friend," Aldrich replied, his hand warm against my arm as he helped me up, "And by the looks of it, she is in need of one."

"You bastard," my brother snarled, taking a step forward.

"Fionn take a walk," Erik ordered, "Now."

He paused, looking between his heir Prince and me before gritting his teeth. Turning on his heels, he stormed off towards the castle. Aldrich watched him go with an angry gaze, his body moving ever so slightly to block my view off my brother.

"Aldrich," Erik then said, "I will not ask for forgiveness on behalf of my advisor, you act and speak out of turn. That girl is not yours to speak with let alone touch. I do not want our countries having strife over your actions towards Lady Roisin, but if you continue this I will have no choice."

I gasped, was Erik really threatening war over me? My cheek burned and my mind whirled with dizziness. This was all too much—they were all too much. Fionn wished to suffocate me and Erik wished to make sure no one stood in his way. I could not allow Aldrich to be hurt because of their actions.

Aldrich's eyes narrowed and I quickly moved myself away from him.

"Please Prince Erik," I whispered quickly, "Forgive me. It was my actions that caused all of this, please do not allow this to be taken any further."

Aldrich frowned at that but said nothing.

"Well now," Bram spoke trying to lighten the mood, "The weather has gotten glum indeed. Let us not hold any further ill intent. I believe Mother wishes to go over trade routes by night fall, let us not allow it to sour the mood."

"Your elder brother is right," Aldrich murmured, his eyes never leaving me, "I will not hold any further ill intent if you do not heir Prince Erik."

Erik nodded, "I will not either heir Prince Aldrich. Come Lady Roisin, I shall walk you back to your chambers. Have your attending help you with your gown. Place it over your current attire and be quick about it."

I nodded, my gaze dropping, "Loli..."

"Yes my Lady," Loli whispered quietly.

Everyone was quiet as she quickly threw my gown over my current clothing. I had worn a looser gown this morning, and my corset helped with squishing down the tunic. As soon as my gown was in place, Erik began walking off. I glanced at Aldrich one last time, finding his own gaze on the ground and his fingers curled into hard fists. My teeth pulled at my bottom lip and I felt my eyes heat with shame.

I truly had disappointed everyone today.

Days went by and eventually the royals of Neorian left. I watched from my window as the sky darkened with storm clouds, sorrow in my heart. I felt as if a numbness had plagued my body and with it my resentment for this place.

My classes went on, and Benji never mentioned what had occurred days prior. Fionn never sought me out and Erik ignored me to the fullest extent. The only one whom dare socialize with me was Eliza, and yet I could not find myself putting on a false pretence of happiness.

I was not happy here.

Loli could sense my unease, and the sorrow that grew from my chest and while she tried to bring me comfort, I could find none. The itch from within me grew with each passing day. I was determined to become the noble Fionn wished me to be, I wished for him to see the pain it brought me. I wished for my brother to yearn for the woman I was and not for the one he wished from me and yet as I modded into a women I did not recognize, he made no attempts to consult me. I think perhaps, was the root of my deepest sorrows.

"Ciara," Benji murmured again, "You must focus."

I blinked, looking up at him, "Pardon?"

It was just the two of us today with the company of Loli as our chaperone. Bram was not around lately, either combat training or at the king's side. I did miss his company, and yet I knew it was not my place to make friends with anyone here.

"I must warn you of the next event to come to the castle," he replied with a heavy sigh, "It is the elemental tournament. This happens once a year in which each and every elemental presiding under the royal guard force in the academy of the higher grades will face off. This is how the queen searches for new members of the royal force."

I nodded slowly, "And how does this relate to me?"

"Well," he paused, "I believe the queen will force you to take parts."

My eyes widened, "Why?"

"I have heard from Bram," he continued, "That she doubts your abilities. So, she will wish to publicly see to your humiliation. You must be able to call forth any part of your ability, it will shift the humiliation into sympathy of the crowd. Every noble will be invited. This is the event that brings forth sponsors."

I shifted from foot to foot, "Fionn won't allow her to do this."

"Your brother will have no choice in the matter. All he can do is allow it to play out then release a public explanation for your lacking abilities. However, if you can call forth any piece of your ability then you must, else this tournament will be unforgiving."

"What does one do in this tournament?" I whispered, cold fear filling me.

He sighed, "You must fight another elemental."

I gasped in horror, "W-What?"

"However, at any point during the match you may forfeit but such an action shall be considered shameful. Or the match will continue until you are either unconscious or dead," he explained, "During the match each elemental wears elemental attire. Which means men and women shall wear a white button up, a white waist coat and white trousers. Of course, depending on the different elemental, each will wear their designated colour symbol upon the back of their jacket. Which means, when facing off you shall not know the elemental ability of your opponent until they act."

"So it is unladylike for me to dress in pants and a shirt while riding but not for a death match?" I sputtered in annoyance, "How is that fair?"

"You were wearing pantaloons and another mans shirt," he chuckled, "It is very different. Not to mention changing in the stables and your lack of shoes."

My eyes rolled, whatever it was all the same.

"When does this event begin?" I grumbled.

He gave me a sympathetic look, "In less than a month's time."

I grew silent, a cold dread filling me. I had already been here for three months with no luck upon my situation and now I had but a month to figure out how to call forth my lacking abilities and also fight a higher level elemental. It angered me, why had Fionn not mentioned this event to me? Surely he was not waiting until last minute to inform me, and yet it had already became last minute.

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