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The room was bright. The colour pink seemed to be everywhere I looked. A grand four pole bed covered in frilly pink blankets and pillows sat across from balcony doors which too were covered in white and pink curtains. A wardrobe sat against the wall, a light birch table sat near the bed, with four birch chairs, a pitcher of water on top with what seemed to be lavender and rose petals mixed within. My eyes continued around the room, there was a pink changing screen in one corner and near it I found a door which led to a powder room. 

Slowly, I moved across the room and sat on the edge of the bed. I felt entirely out of place—like a moth in a butterfly terrarium. Even this dress that I had gotten from the inn keeper, it felt too fancy for my skin and yet Bram had told me it was not fancy enough for my new status. Had I not been so utterly terrified, I'd laugh. For years I had asked the Lady Fortune for mercy. A way out of the red village and a life anew somewhere-anywhere else. 

I had gotten my prayer answered at the cost of Mama. 

Sighing softly, I wiped my face free of tears. There was a terrible frog stuck in my throat and my eyes were flooded. I had denounced my emotions because I had no time for such sorrow, yet now I had nothing to do but consider the way my heart bled with loss. Sniffling softly, I looked up, hearing a soft knock at my door. 

"Hello?" I called, uncertain. 

A soft, delicate voice responded back, "Good morrow Lady Roisin. I am Princess Eliza Yarrow. In private please call me Eliza. May I come in?" 

I nodded, before realizing she couldn't see me so I stood quickly, "Yes. Please."

The door swung open, and in stepped a very beautiful woman with two attendees. She looked my age, with long black locks pulled back into curls. Her eyes were a bright blue much like her brothers, and she had a similar elegant poise. The layers of gown and corset she were all the colours of pinks and whites. As she entered, she offered a curtsy, and I scrambled to mirror her actions. At my own awkward action, the Princess giggled, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. 

"I don't mean to laugh," she said, "You just seem so much like your brother."

My head tilted slightly, "Awkward and clumsy?"

"Yes," she replied with a bright smile, "Very awkward and very clumsy. My, I remember when he first arrived, he tripped and fell face first in front of the King! We all had a wonderful chuckle over it. Although mother was not impressed."

I gasped at the gossip, "Face first?" 

"Yes!" she laughed, her eyes bright, "He certainly is something."

Watching the woman closely, I realized something incredible. The way a rogue danced across her cheeks at the mention of him, her fingers drawing circles on her own arm and how her eyes seemed so excited and passionate while talking of my brother. It was the same look Mama got while talking of Papa. Princess Eliza Yarrow was smitten by my brother. 

"Princess do know a lot about my brother?" I asked, attempting to fish. 

She smiled slightly, "I do. He is my brother's guard and advisor, not to mention growing up he would visit me often. Would you join me for some tea? I'd love to chat more." 

I hummed honored, "That sounds lovely but I don't think I'm dressed for tea with the princess. I wouldn't want you or my brother to lose face over it." 

"You are dressed fine," she said, rolling her eyes, "Isn't she girls?"

The first lady-in-waiting a younger woman with bright red locks, "Oh yes my lady!" 

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