Thirty Seven |

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Thirty Seven |

I stared at Fionn for a long while, my eyes burning from the lack of blinking. True to his misguided word, there was now a long scar across his face. A pang of guilt filled me only to be replaced with anger. Why? What would possess him to torture me in such a way? Our relationship had been stretched and filled with so many holes that I hadn't a single idea if we were ever truly close enough to care for each other. Now, he wore a scar—a scar that I had given him after unleashing my uncontrolled power.

"How is it healed already?" I asked slowly.

He hummed, those grey eyes sharp, "I healed it. Poorly, and to leave the scar. I had realized that it would take much longer to heal on it's own, and that having such an ugly red mark upon my face for the tournament would be a weakness."

A weakness for him physically or courtly I was not sure.

"You look nice," he then said, "Like a born noble."

I looked away. He looked nice too, powerful. He wore his royal guard attire, along with a strange set of golden clips in his hair—two above each ear. They were shaped with curves, that hung low with two large circles. The circles rested just above his shoulders and I recognized the circles well. They were designed with the same markings as the circlet. I had never seen Erik wear such things before, and it had me pondering why he wore them.

"What are those?" I asked slowly.

He didn't seemed surprised by my question, "A tradition. For each of the royal's most trusted guards. The princess' guard has one, Bram's will have one and I will have one. Along with the royals wear these markings but in different ways. The king has them on his crown, Erik and the Queen wear circlets and the princess wears them on her tiara. Bram will also wear the markings but on his headband."

It didn't surprise me that Bram had no crown nor tiara. However, it was surprising the queen would allow him to wear the markings of the first air elemental. Whether for show or not towards the other kingdoms, it was shocking indeed.

"Why?" I questioned, wondering how much he knew.

His head tilted slightly, "They are the markings of the first ruler. They provide a royal motto of strength and mind. Truly, they are nothing but a marking of this royal family's blood."

To that I said nothing. There was something that hovered behind his words. Or rather, how the air suddenly grew heavy with magic as he spoke, as if he was making an attempt to convince me in a way much more insulting than words. My fingers twitched with the desire to protect myself from this subtle magic but I didn't move. I'd allow him to believe whatever he wished.

"Alright," I replied slowly, looking past him and down the hall.

He followed my gaze, holding out his arm, "Come."

So, I did.

As we walked through the grand castle, I could see the touch of the queen everywhere. Even how the air moved through the castle was organized, as if she was reminding those who walked these halls that if she wished, she could take away their eternal breath. Not to mention the intricate elemental magic placed throughout the castle. There was large gems placed on display that seemed to vibrate with magic, the lights seemed brighter with specks of fire like fireflies dancing in the air. I felt stronger, almost drunk off the amount of magic that lay thick like honey around us.

"Be firm," Fionn murmured in my ear.

I nodded, steadying myself as we reached the doors to the ball room. We were announced, and then we entered. All eyes were on us and I kept my chin high. Their gaze didn't stay long before they turned to watch the next nobles enter. My eyes scanned the scene. There was many more people here, and instead of pushing me towards the balcony, he led me to the thrones. Once we stood at the back of them and to one side, his arm left mine.

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