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He snickered at that.

The door opened and we stepped out. Loli was no where to be seen, no doubt off with Rosa. With my attending no where in sight, Prince Erik led me down the stairs and through the first floor. The whispers from the maids were loud, all wondering who the heir prince led by arm. I kept my head high and my face free of any emotions while focusing my attention onto my steps. Very soon, we reached the doors to the great hall (as I heard from gossip) and the guard at the doors opened in.

Inside a long table had been set up for dining. The table was full, all eyes on me and the prince now. Bram was no where in sight unfortunately. For a moment, my body froze as I stared like a deer in the audience of a bear. Fionn was already seated with princess Eliza and I couldn't bare to move as much as I will myself.

"Everyone, please meet my sister, Lady Roisin," Fionn said standing.

I couldn't move, the fear inside me much too strong.

"Now you may," Erik suddenly said, "continue your meal."

The room snapped to obey, and I silently thanked Erik for his strange kindness. I spotted a chair beside Eliza and quickly left Erik's side to sit beside her. She made small chatter with me, and a few other noble woman who sat across from us. I didn't eat, I could not bring myself to attempt to eat with politeness I hadn't learned. Instead, I sipped at the tea in front of me—lemon tea with the hint of lavender. It brought me comfort and filled my stomach.

"My Lady Roisin, I love your gown!" One noble woman gushed.

I thanked her politely, attempting to say nothing else. I hadn't known any of their names—no one introduced themselves because as Lady Roisin I should know their names and their titles and yet I knew nothing. I felt out of place and in danger. Eliza smiled, sipping at her tea. I could smell the bitter sent of mugwort and honey.

"Is that your special tea?" another noble giggled, asking the princess, "Have you any interesting visions lately?"

Eliza shook her head, "Sadly I have not."

"Lady Roisin have you tried mugwort?"

I jolted, "A sip. But other than that n-no I have not."

"Are you not an earth elemental?"

My eyes widened.

It shall be a secret that you are not an elemental. It is important people believe you are.

"Lady Roisin is an earth elemental," Fionn suddenly said, "But her abilities are minor. And she does not wish to drink mugwort which is perfectly normal."

I looked at him curiously.

"But an earth elemental!" one of the noble women shrilled, "How lucky! It is rare a family has two different elementals. Minor or not. I heard mugwort works even better with earth elementals—all herbs do of course. Although I am a simple air elemental myself so I cannot contest these rumors."

"A simple air elemental?" Erik said lowly, it was the first time he'd spoken yet.

Tension filled the room and almost in an instant, the noble became flushed with rapid apologizes. I sighed softly, thankful of the quick distraction. Quickly the attention moved off of me as they shifted to chatter about how great air elementals were. Eliza sent me a wink as she sipped at her tea.

"Let us talk about the ball in the next coming week," Eliza said suddenly.

That was an entirely new excitement in the room. I learned the ball next week would be for the celebration of the end of summer. Apparently, the queen has been away for the week. Off buying decorations from the neighbouring kingdom. I learned the ally kingdom was the land of Neorian and they are known for their crystal mining (it was where the marble floors had come from) and the queen wished to buy some.

Eventually, the lunch ended end and Eliza walked me back to our floor. We did not stay for long however, as Eliza explained we had our first classes in the afternoon. The classes were in the academy, which meant not Rosa nor Loli came with us. On the walk to the academy (which sat north of the castle) Eliza explained I would be attending the earth elemental class and she would be off to the honors class for the royal guards.

The academy was a large building made of smooth stone. It was beautiful, with a large green house at one side, and a large fountain on the other. Elementals were littered around, training hard to become strong guards. Eliza walked me to my class before wishing me luck and hurrying off. I stood outside the door, shifting nervously from foot to foot.

"Are you going inside?" a voice demanded.

I looked up, recognizing Benji.

"Lady Roisin," he greeted with a smile, "You didn't mention you were an earth elemental on the day we met. This is a pleasant surprise."

I smiled, "It must have slipped my mind."

"Is that so?" he chuckled.

"And what of you?" I asked, "Aren't you to be guarding Prince Bram?"

He hummed, pushing open the door to the classroom, "I teach earth elementals when Prince Bram trains his combat skills."

"I see," I said softly.

"Take your seat, I'll be going over herbs today," he chuckled, "Good luck."

The classroom was set up with oak tables and in front a long stone table. On it was a large plot of dirt. Behind the stone table a long chalk board. The room must have had ten elementals, all dressed as gentry ranks. I found an empty spot and Benji began his lesson. Sure enough, for the next two hours he went over different types of herbs and what they looked like. For some he'd grow them out of the plot of dirt, for others he explained they were much too dangerous to summon or they were banned.

Eventually, the class ended. Leaving me with a sense of envy. I wished I was an elemental—even a minor one like Fionn had said. I wished to have magic in my blood, I wanted so desperately to be something. But that was not in my fate, that was only in Fionn's destiny. As the classroom emptied of these real and promising elementals, I stayed behind, looking at the different herbs and flowers Benji had summoned.

"You can come closer," he chuckled.

I looked up, a small smile on my face, "I'd like to."

Moving out of my seat, I approached the flowers. They reminded me of Mama. She always loved flowers and was terrible at gardening. My fingers ran over the small buds of the lavender stalk he grew. Mama loved lavender, always making lavender dough. Until the very day she died, she continued to make that damn dough. Anger and sorrow filled my heart. My flesh felt hot as I touched the flower I think I hated now. It's stink only reminded me of death and—

Benji's hand snapped around my wrist and I let out a cry of pain. I blinked, looking down at the lavender. Or rather where it was originally. In it's place was a wilted flower, completely black to the very roots that suck out. I had never seen such a magic before, my eyes shooting to Benji in shock and surprise.

"H-How did you do that?" I whispered.

His eyes were wide, "Me?"

"I certainly did not do that," I laughed full of fear, "I am no elemental."

His eyes narrowed and slowly, he let me go, "You're not an elemental?"

My hand flew to my mouth as I realized my horrid mistake.

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