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I walked over to the edge of my room and I sat down with a marigold flower plucking the petals off and throwing them into the pit to watch them fall. After a little while of this repetitive behavior I ran out of flowers and I got up and went to the bathroom. I rinsed my face in cold water before I got this feeling like something was wrong. Like something was really wrong.

I poked my head outside to see Lia whimpering and pacing at my door. She looked up before quickly running down the hall. I followed her and found Camilo's bedroom door cracked open. I took a shakey deep breath before going in. I heard this whirring sound and my gut told me I knew that sound. The mirrors were moving.

Camilo's room looked more dark and ominous now. I found the room with the swirling mirrors. I saw Camilo and Antonio standing in the middle arguing and shouting at each other. I couldn't hear them and I knew they couldn't hear me. The mirrors were moving to fast for me to slip in so just covered my mouth my eyes getting teary. Antonio had what looked like a freshly forming black eye.

I looked at the mirrors before reaching out. The mirror that my hand touched shattered and A sharp pain rain through my hand. When I look down my hand had a deep cut in it and started to bleed. It was bleeding faster then I could stop it. So I was quickly covered in my failed attempts to slow the blood. Suddenly the mirrors spun so fast I couldn't see Antonio and Camilo anymore. Suddenly there was this burst of wind and I fell back into a mirror. The shards cut my arms and hands as I shelled dmy head.

Once I came back to my senses I felt a couple animals nudging my arms and hands as if to see if I was still there. Once I starte dot get to my feet Lia helped me. Everyone mirror in there showed me in my death form. I felt a tightness in chest before sank to the ground and coir my head in my hands. This is never ever what I wanted. The guy I love, and the man in love with me are most likely fighting. I can't go to my dad because he'll probably tell Pepa and Felix and freak out at my condition. Plus, it's Grace's birthday. I couldn't do that to her.

I love my family but recently it seems my family is falling to pieces. Lia nudges me with her head before I look at mirrors. I stood before walking to my room. I locked my bedroom door I stood there fighting off tears. I glanced at my nightstand before walking over to the mirror. I counted all the cuts on my arms and hands and ironically found it was the same number of scratches that I chad made on the wall.

I sighed and shook my head before going to the bathroom. I cleaned my cuts and wounds before wrapping up my hands and arms in gauze. After that I slipped on a long sleeve shirt. I went downstairs and found Tia Julieta hurriedly cooking. I look at her pleadingly and she says, "Atlas... I have a lot of people to feed..."

"One Churro! Just one!" I reply

She sighs sliding the plat towards me. I ate it and felt my wounds heal so I say, "Gracias Julieta."

She looks at me curiously before asking, "where did Antonio and Camilo go? I saw them go upstairs but i'v ener seen them since..."

I hesitated before Julieta says,c"Atlas?what is It?"

"Their.. sorting out their differences..." I reply

Julieta looks at me in alarm before we heard The loud crack and pop of thunder and Julieta said, "oh no."

We ran and found Pepa outside of Camilo's room. She was cupping Antonio's face in her hands looking at his black eye while Felix was talking to Camilo.

I sighed under my breath, but I didn;t approached either of them. Instead Lia walked over and gently bits my sleeve tugging on it.

I pull my sleeve out of her mouth and say quietly, "Lia stop it..."

She whines and flicks her tail. Everyone looked at me and I blushed crossing my arms. Lia looks at Antonio before she tugs on my shirt. Antonio looks at her befoer his eyes widened and he looks ae, "Atlas..."

"Don't. I don;t want to hear it." I snapped

He walks over and I say weakly "stop it."

I could help it thought but to tilt his head to look at the black eye. He turned away from me though before I said, "you fought Camilo over me..."

My eyes got teary and eh says, "Atlas..."

I shook my head and when he attempt to take my hand I pulled away and said, "Tia Julieta..."

She was already handing Antonio a roll. He ate it and his wounds healed before she wants over to Camilo. Then I said, "go abc, downstairs and act like nothing happened. I will be I. Hm room. Leave me alone. I will find out what Garcia's gift is in the morning..."

He nods guiltily and I walk over to Camilo. Camilo was watching me. I strapped him hard in the face before saying, "I might be angry with Antonio but he's still my boyfriend so that's for getting into a fight with my boyfriend. "

Then I go to slap him again but Bruno caught my arm. Camilo and Bruno's eyes widened seeing the scars on hm arms and hands from the mirror cuts. They did heal when I at the churro, but I assumed since I was injured by Camilo's room they scarred.

I pull my arm out of Bruno's gras- before I turned and went back into my room. I sat in there for the rest of the night until I eventually dozed off.

I woke up around midnight to find I could still hear talking and chatter outside but this didn't sound like party chattering. I debated for a few minutes whether I wanted to go look or if I wanted to go back to sleep but curiousity got the better of me. I walked out to and sat at the hand railing.

It was Pepa, Julieta, Bruno, Felix, and Augustin. My mom was standing off tot eh sid but obviously they couldn't see her.

They were talking about Camilo, Antonio, and I.

I listened for a long time until they finally changed. Subject to Gloria's gift.

I smiled. Gloria got the ability to shape shift between ages., not people or things, just age. She can sense someone's age. I found that an appropriate gift seeing how she's the daughter of a shapeshifter.

Suddenly I heard some whisper, "Tia Altas what are you doing here?"

I jumped slightly before looking over to see Luciana. She sits and I say, "I'm listening... what are you doing awake?"

"Mama sent me to you." Lucian replies

I shook my head beofer saying, "of course she did. What was your excuse supposed to be?"

"Water..." she says playing with my hair. I smile before saying, "What does Grace's room like like?"

"Pictures. Lots and lots of pictures..." she replies

I shook my head and pick her up before walking her back to Dolores's room, careful not to be seen. However when I passed Camilo's room I saw his door was flickering. I looked at Grace's door, which was right next to his, and it was also flickering. I set her down before syaing, "Luciana go back to Dolores's room ok?"

She nods and skips away before I hesitate outside Camilo's door. I stood there a moment before turning and walking back to my room. I slipped into my room and went back to bed, but I could rest. I ended up giving up and going to back to my canvas.

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