Part 67 ~ Antonio's POV

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When I stepped out into the hall I was greeted by an irritated Camilo. He was pacing the hall as if he'd been debating on coming into the room adn talking to Atlas. He then looks at me and says, "Is she okay?"

I studied him for a moment befere nodding and saying, "Yes. They both are okay."

Then I asked, "why did you kiss Atlas's cheek?"

Camilo's cheeks flushed before saying, "she was refusing to eat the arepas so I did it to convince her to eat them..."

"Oh so it was an act of heroism?" I reply as I walk around him and head for downstairs. He walks over to the railing and says, "Antonio, you don't have to be such an douche about the small things."

I halted on the stairs before turning back around, grabbing Camilo by the poncho and shoving him into my room. I shut the door behind me and I snap, "Camilo, I'm not an idiot. I'm cruel to you when you kiss Atlas and send looks to Atlas because she is in love with you Camilo! Like a deep love I only understand because I have it for her! I'm jealous,  Camilo! There! I said it! I'm jealous. So it hurts and it doesn't help every time you kiss her... or I see the looks you two send each other... I wish she looked at me that way..."
'Then I sighed and said, "Camilo- she took me to her place... the place she stayed when she ran? I saw the clothes in the floor and I knew they weren't Diego's despite what she said... I'm not an idiot Camilo... I know you two slept together when she ran... I tried to brush it off but you two can't seem to stay away from each other... so I've resorted to being cruel to you... cruel to the big brother that I once looked up to... in hopes of making you stay away from her."

Then I crossed my arms and said softly, "who am I kidding? Your destroying your relationship with Katherine be with Atlas and I hit Atlas and she wants to go all the way back to dating... perhaps you two are destiny... have fun caring for her when her miscarriage happens!"

Camilo fell silent and says, "she's pregnant again?"

I nodded and Camilo says, "how do you know-"

"Tio Bruno." I interrupt

Camilo nodded and then he looks at me and asks, "did you really look up to me?"

"Of course I did. You were the only guy anywhere near my age... and on top of that you were my big brother! I mean... I listened to everything you said..."

"I always assumed you were just naïve." Camilo says before he sighs and says, "Antonio- I know Atlas loves me... and I know it's wrong to keep toying her along like this... and it keep hurting you... I will stay away from Atlas... and I know I've said it before... and I never stuck to it... but I really mean it... I will stay away from her... you deserve to be happy... and I don't deserve to keep taking that from you..."

Then we heard, "Antonio-"

I looked behind me to see Atlas. She blushed and said softly, "Bruno had another vision... I wanted to talk to you..."

I nodded and Camilo walked around Atlas, and left. She watched him before looking back at me curiously and I say, "Long story, what was the vision?"

"Nothing much different... but Bruno said that my pregnancy may last a little longer then he previously thought now that we aren't getting married... he also told me what gender the baby is..." She says, shifting on her feet uncomfortably

I thought before nodding and saying, "It's a boy..."

I smiled gently and Atlas studied me before her eyes got teary and she hugged me tightly. I rubbed her back before saying, "what wrong?"

"I destroyed us didn't I?" She whimpers

"What do you mean?" I ask

She leans back and says, "Because I couldn't let go on Camilo..."

She started to cry and said, "I heard what you said... why didn't you confront me? If you knew?"

I blushed and said, "what would you like me to have said?"

She shook her head and said, "I don't know..."

Then she backs up and I noticed she began to rub the finger that previously had her ring on it. Then she said, "I keep hurting you. Over and over and over... and it's not fair to you... or to Eliana... who's having to watch us fight..."

I put my hand on her face and wipe her cheeks before I chuckle and say, "do you remember the question I asked you earlier?"

"Which one?" She asks, confused

"About whether or not you could tell what the baby's gift would be?" I ask

Then she blushed and nodded as she says, "But I've not been pregnant for long enough..."

I smiled and said, "your emotional Babe. Extra emotional. With Eliana you didn't start getting moody until what? Two weeks? But your tore up right now..."

Then I said gently, "I have a feeling, that this baby would probably have a gift that has to do with emotions..."

She blushed d eof saying softly, "I wonder why... we get a baby girl that can control the mind and a baby boy that can control emotions..."

Then I say, "I don't know..."

Then she looks down at her hand before looking back at me and saying, "Antonio- when you hit me... what was it motivated by?"

"Frustration? I 'm not really sure... if just kinda happened all the sudden..." I reply. My cheeks getting warm

She blushed putting her hands on her stomach before she meets my eye and says, "Could you promise me... you would never hit me again?"

I nodded and she takes my hands saying softly, "I'm done hurting you Antonio- it's not fair that I should keep hurting you... and it's not fair to our kids to see us fighting... I will resume wedding plans... with that promise... as long as you promise or not hit me anymore..."

I nodded before saying, "I would love that... but wouldn't that restore Bruno's original vision?"

She shook her head and said, "no because this was part of the vision..."

I nodded before I kissed her and said, "it's going to be okay Atlas..."

She nods and puts my hand on her side before saying, "I know... and I promise I will be better... and I will be more loyal... and I will regain your trust..."

I nodded before we felt little arms wrap around out legs and we both jumped, startled, but found Eliana hugging us.

Atlas smiled softly before Eliana says, "So you two will get married? And I will be. A big sister?"

Atlas smiled and picks Eliana up before saying, "yes... Tio Bruno said the baby will live."

My eyes widened and Atlas jsut smiled at me and walked away to go put Eliana back to bed.

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