The first meeting (chapter 1)

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Lance's morning

It was another normal Monday morning for Lance, he did what he simply did every morning. He of course started off with checking his to-do list.
To do list.

•check to do list off
wake up around 3 am
• take a 20 minute shower
get dressed
• log into Instagram
• watch Bunny's Instagram Stories and see if she posted.
• eat breakfast and clean dishes.
• run to school.

After about 3 hours of which was mostly taken up by his favorite hobby of the day, stalking or well what he likes to call "just checking" on Bells page, or more well known as bunny on her Instagram.
About 3 hours into the morning he got ready for school and started to walk to school. See now lance is a tall 6'8 man who could easily throw anyone across a room, didn't matter how big they thought they were. He also had a shaggy like brown blackish hair, it was a bit curly and fluffy as well and he always looked clean. He always dresses nice no matter the weather rain, snow, bad wind, didn't matter to him. But there was one thing that stood out the most about it. The three long scares on his left side of his face, all going downwards.

No one really knows how he got them but the people that do know why he doesn't like talking about his family.
This morning lance had on something normal, nothing much, just a hoodie and rip jeans with his black laptop bag.

He soon reached The front of the school

Lance soon gets to the school gate around 6:50 Am. As he walks closer tho he could see a small silhouette of a tiny looking woman. He could barely make her out but he could tell she looked lost and had long brown hair with messy bangs, she looked, familiar. But he thought nothing of it until he got closer. He was 10feet away from her when he saw, her. It couldn't be, could it? His heart started to race, his heart started to beat faster then he could even comprehend. It is her. A light blush red appears on his face as he grew a wide smiled , he gripped his chest and walked closer.

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