"its gonna be ok" (chapter 26)

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Bell sniffled and rubbed her eyes with her sweater paws as she softly yawned. "H.. Hi.. " she mumbled, she didn't looking at Charlotte at all only looking at the floor.

"Hi sweetie, I know you are a bit.. Upset right now and I understand that love, I truly to but how about we get you relax and don't worry about Lance and Ray right now hm? We can watch whatever movie or show you want and eat whatever you want" Charlotte smiled as she moved Bells hair out of her face.

Bell looked up and thought for a minute before nodding "O.. Otays.. " she sniffled.

Charlotte smiled "awesome! Here let's get you changed and changed into something clean, would it be ok if I changed you? " she asked. Bell looked away thinking about it, she felt safe around this women so she nodded "o-okay-"

"Thank you bunny" she booped Bells nose, this made her giggle.

"Aww there's that sweet little smile" Bell couldn't help but giggle and smile at that remark.
Charlotte took Bell over to her Crib and laid her down as she went to grab a new diaper but instead grabbed a pull up that had mlp characters on it, then a pink baggy hoodie along with some normal size purple socks and a pair of pink shorts with mlp characters on them, she then walked back over and smiled .

Bell yawned and looked over a biy confused at the pull up.

Charlotte smiled "I thought the pull up might make you feel a bit more comfortable so I got you some" Bell smiled a little and nodded, Charlotte walked over and put the clothes to the side as she took Bells tutu off then undid Bells onesie then took off Bells old diaper, but Charlotte eyes widen "oh sweetie... Are you not feeling well?"

Bell looked confused but nodded "tummy ache... "

"Well hun, you started you period.. " Bells eyes widen, her face went red "oh... " she mumbled and looked away.

Charlotte took off the old one and threw it away as she grabbed the pull up putting it on her. "It's ok though I promise, Lance and Ray know how to-" Bell cut her off

"No!.. " her eyes widen "s.. Sorry I um.. Please don't tell them.. I.. I only want you to know.. " she looked away.

Charlotte looked a bit shocked but smiled and nodded "of course hun, how about this. I'll be the only one to change you while your on your period ok? " Bell looked over at her and smiled a little as she nodded "please.. "

Charlotte nodded "of course hun, now let's get you into fresh clothes" she helped Bell sit up as she then took off her onesie off complete then took her socks off to. As she grabbed the hoodie Bell said something.

"C.. Can I wear a onesie and a hoodie by it self please?.. I like the onesies.. " she mumbled a bit. Charlotte eyes widen but in joy

"Awww! Of course sweet heart! That's lovely to hear. Would you like to pick out which one you wanna wear? " Bell smiled and nodded as she put her arms up to be picked up. Charlotte couldn't help but chuckle a little and smiled as she picked Bell up and wrapped her in a small blanket so she was covered, she walked to the closest showing her all the onesies. Bell giggled as she looked at them all before pointing to a pale white and pastel pink on it with bunnies, thankful it had long sleeves on there to. Charlotte chuckled and grabbed it as she walked over back to Bells crib.

She smiled and helped Bell into the onesie then helped her put her normal size socks on. "Would you like shorts or anything?" Bell thought for a minute before shaking her head "no please" she put her arms up again to be picked up, Charlotte chuckled and picked her up "Your so precious" she poked Bells nose, this making Bell giggle. Bell hugged Charlotte as she yawned "your really nice... " this made Charlotte smile, her heart felt warm as she petted Bells head "thank you sweet heart, that means a lot.. Now how about we grab some of your stuffies and toys and let's head to my room so we can watch some princesses movies hm? " Bell smiled and nodded

Charlotte put Bella down "alrighty hun, how about you pick the stuffies and I grab some toys for you hm? And a pull up just in case" Bell nodded as she rushed to her crib and claimed up it a bit to grab sprinkles then a small bee plush and a small pink frog plush that looked like it was from build a bear. "Otays I ready! "  Charlotte had put some of Bells toys and coloring books in a small pink bag. "Awesome job sweetie! Looks like we are ready for a sleep over! " she smiled and picked up Bell, Bell couldn't help but giggle and nodded as she held onto the plushies.

Charlotte started to walk out the room and up the stairs then into the hallway, she held Bell and made sure she didn't see Lance or Ray right now since she might get a little upset. Lance looked over at then and sighs, he was steal leaning on the front door. Ray was trying to help clean up. Charlotte mouth the words 'she is ok' before walking into her room and sitting Bell down as she grabbed the tv remote and went on to Disney+ "so little bun, what do you want to watch? " Bell thought for a minute before pointing to the movie Tangle that was on the screen with many more movies.

She nodded and smiled as she clicked the movie "there we go, all set. Would you like to sit on my lap or lay down? "

Bell crawled over and sat on Charlotte's lap as she hugged sprinkles and put the other plushies next to them. Charlotte smiled and grabbed the covers wrapping then up as she played with Bells hair, she watched the movie with Bell, she smiled the whole time.

After the movie Bell was fast asleep leaning on Charlotte, by now Lance and Ray were in their own rooms. Ray asleep while Lance was in his room watching TV and thinking.

He soon got up and sighed as he walked out his room walking over to Charlottes room, he knocked softly and opened the door.

Bell was fast asleep, Charlotte saw him and put Bell on the bed laying and tucking her in. She then got up and walked to Lance out her room and shut the door.

"Hey.. How are you feeling? Better then early?.. " Charlotte asked. He nodded.

"I still feel horrible.. She will never trust me again.. " Lance sighs as he leans on the wall "I have to start over.. I just.. Can't believe I lost it. I don't know what got into me but fucking Christ... "  Charlotte hugs him

"I know I know.. But it will be ok, Just for now take things slow.. For now , let me help take care of her and change and bath her so she can at least feel a bit better. ok? " Lance nodded and hugged back.

"Thanks sis.. I'm gonna, try and head to bed thanks again. If you need anything just, let me know k? I'll be in my room" he smiled a little "oh and.. Please let her know I'm sorry and that I love her.. " Charlotte nodded. He walked off going to his room and shutting the door as he turned of the lights and tv falling asleep soon on his bed.

Charlotte yawns and waved bye as she walks to her room and open the door then shutting it and sitting on her bed by Bell. She looked down at the small girl sleeping and smiled as she laid down next to her and covers up, she leaves the tv on as she slowly started to fall asleep.

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