The rules (chapter 10)

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Time passed it was now the next day. Bell was curled up fast asleep in her bed crib. It was around 11 in the afternoon when Lance walked in and picked her up

"Hay bunny wake-up I gotta change you alright? "

Bell yawned as she rubbed her eyes with her sweater paws. She sees him holding her and she looked away "I.. I can change it myself"

"Bunbun no you can't your a baby, now let me lay you down or you can be in a dirty diaper all day"

Bell groans "fine.. " he laid her down on the floor on top of a pink fluffy carpet "besides it's not like i wet it anyway.. "

She mumbled this as Lance grabs a clean diaper from the closet and walked over undoing her old one "even so, your gonna soon love.  You can't hold it in. You could get sick ok? "

Once the diaper was fully off she pulled her hoodie down so it would cover her body hand

"Bunny I promise I'm not gonna touch you or hurt you, I only want to change you ok? Don't fight me on this love"

She sighs and looks away, her face red from embarrassment. He lift her two legs up by the ankles putting a pink diaper under her then closing the straps together "see? All done, not so bad was it now? "

"I.. It is bad.. And embarrassing.. "

She sits up and looks at her bedroom door thinking of a plan. Lance notice and picked her up "nu uh little one. You aren't allowed to leave the room without me"

"J... Just shut up and put me down.. " 

She looked at the door eyeing it.
Lance popped her bum "ow! Hay! " she looked over at him

"You shouldn't talk to your Dada like that"

Bells eye brows raised "uh.. N-no your not my dada-"

Lance looked her in the eyes "remember what I said , follow the rules."  She went quite. He walked over to the door leaving the room walking down stairs to the last floor. Bell still in his hands. He walked into there kitchen and sat her down on a chair " ok, so I have a paper full of all the rules ok love? You need to read and follow them, the I will tell you the punishment if you dont. Now don't run or else time out ok love? "

Bell just nods and doesn't look at him. He went to another room then after a few seconds came back with two sheets of paper. He out them in front of her on the table

"There you go my little one" he pets her head. Bell moved her head harshly before picking up the paper . The paper read

' Baby bunnys rules'
1: do not swear
2: call Lance Dada and Ray uncle, it's a must

3: do not wonder off without asking

4: eat and drink the food that is given

5: wear the diapers until we feel it is right time for you to change to pull ups

6: play with toys  and let yourself get into small space

7: not allowed to change by your self

8: do not do NOT leave the house, everything is locked.

9:take your sleeping pills at 8 and bed time at 9

10: in all just behave and listen to Dada and don't fight back.

Bells eyes widen "t-these are insane! I can't do this for 12 months let me go now and I won't tell anyone I promise! "

Lance sighs "no bunbun, I'm sorry just follow the rules and you'll be ok " he smiled as he went into the kitchen and started to get everything ready for breakfast.

Bell slowly got up when he wasn't looking she ran to the door and slowly turn the knob but it wouldn't unlock. She sighs and goes to the living room. The living room was across from the kitchen , there were two couches one long enough to fit 4 people then the other big enough to fit 2 people the biggest one was black while the smallest one was pink. In the front of the living room was a big Flat screen tv with games and a Xbox and ps5 with controls under the tv stand. Bell sighs and sits on the longest couch, she pulled at the diaper trying to make as little sound as possible.

"Bunny! Be careful and don't touch anything in the living room! There are toys in there for you though so you can mess with those! " lance yelled from the kitchen. Bell rolls her eyes and sees a small box of toys and stuffies behind the couch.

Bell sits up on the couch and grabs the remote turning on the tv. It was on the news.

The news man was talking about her, how she went missing a day ago and how they couldn't track her phone. Bell started to tear up but stayed quite.

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