"breakfast time bunny! " (chapter 19)

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As Lance walked down the stairs he couldn't help but to think, with everything going on would she still be small or would she be back to her normal age as of now. He sighs "I just hope she is ok.. " he mumbled to himself. As he got closer to the door he turned the door knob and opened the door walking in.

Bell was fast asleep in the pink and blue crib he made her, it had small white bunnies running around with flowers around them.

He smiled walking over to the light switch first, flipping it on and turning off the night lights and TV.

He walked to her crip and gentle nudge her before slowly picking her up and holding her, she yawned and laid her head on his shoulder.

"Hi sunshine, you gotta wake up hunny bun, we got breakfast all ready " he smiled and gentle rubbed her head.

"Mmm.. No" she yawns and curls up into his arms more as she kept her eyes closed "sleepys... " she mumbled. Only half a awake.

"I know sweetie I know but it's morning time ok? But later you can take a little nappy how's that sounds? " she yawned and nodded.

"Good girl, now let's get you changed first and pick some clothes for you so you can take a bath after breakfast ok?"
She just nodded , tried still.

He smiled and laid her down on the changing mat as he grabbed a pastel pink and baby blue diaper, it had small flowers along with butterfly's. He undid her old diaper and threw it away then lifting her up a little as he put the new one under her and put it together "all day sweetie! " he smiled and picked her up.

"I'm proud of you for getting use to the diaper bunny, you even used it " he pet her head. She rubs her eyes and looks around before looking down at the crib "mm! " she pointed to it. There was her pink and purple pasi in there with a pastel yellow paci clip.

"Pop pop And bunnys!" She yelled out. He chuckled "ah yes, I almost forgot. Thank you, here you go bunny" he grabs the paci and pops it into her mouth then grabs the bunny handing it to her, she smiled a little and laid her head back down on his shoulder.

"Alright bunbun, after breakfast you can play for a little then we are gonna get you some clothes for the day and get you a little bath " she nodded.

He walked to the door and turned off the light as he walked out shutting the door behind him.

He walked with her in his arms up the stairs
Going straight up to the kitchen and dining room, Ray just got done setting everything and waved to them

"Hay pumpkin! How are you feeling today? " he asked Bell, she just rubbed her eyes and yawned looking at him, Lance chuckled a little.

"I think little Ms sleepy head over here is still sleepy , but she did have a long day yesterday so I promised her a nap later" Ray laughed a little and nodded
"Of course, and a nap sounds good, but for now let's all try and eat breakfast!" He smiled and sat down on the chair to the right, lance sat her down in a little high chair just her size then he sat down across from Ray but next to her. She played with the paci clip that was hanging from it, she kept messing with it until lance slowly pulled it out. She huffs

"You can have the paci after ok little one? Breakfast first" she nodded and he started to cut up a pancake and feed it to her.

"I'm glad to see she likes the paci at least, she seems to be adjusting a bit easier today" Ray said as he ate.
"Well she did have a hard day yesterday Ray, I think her little self needs a break " he hands her a pink sippy cup and she holds it with both hands drinking it.

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