"oooo..hm..duck" (Chapter 34)

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The next day Bell was fast asleep in Lance's room all curled up in the dark blue blanket he had. Lance was in Bells room digging through some clothes in the closet then going to a drow by her crib, he opens it grabbing a pull up and her hair brush before walking up to the bathroom and putting everything on top of the toilet lead. He stretches and yawns, it was around 8 in the morning so of course he was still a little sleepy.

"Alrighty, Hey Charlotte do you think you get sleepy but up for me and bath her? I'm gonna make her some breakfast and pack a diaper bag, Oh and Ray is getting some gas for the car and some stuff in the car for Bell since the drive might be a bit" He said as he walked out the bathroom and into the living room where Charlotte was sitting watching the news. She turned to look at him and smiled. Her long dark hair was down as of right now and she seemed wide awake.

"Ya of course" she stands up stretching, she wrapped her hand around her hair and started to tie it into a pony tail. "Alrighty! " she puts her hands together "I'll go get the bugger ready - oh but first" she takes the tv remote and switches it to Disney morning cartoons "just in case" Lance looked around for a second but walked into the kitchen and started getting everything out to make a quick breakfast.

Charlotte walked over to Lance's room, slowly walking in and opening the current to the window so the sun light would hit the room. She sat on the bed by Bell and slowly used her right arm to nuge her slight "Good morning sweetheart, Dada and me and uncle Ray have a surprise for you but you gotta get up " she gently said. Bell groans, dropping the pack out her mouth "nooo.. I sleep.. " she yawns and curls up. Charlotte chuckles "I know your sleepy but come on sweetie, today is gonna be amazing but you gotta get up to start the day" Bell yawns and rubs her eyes and sits up as she stretches. She looked around confused "Hmm.. Where am I? This isn't my room-" Charlotte smiled and pushed bells hair out her face gentle "you fell asleep in Lance room last night sweetie, but how are you feeling hun? Today we have a big day "

Bell stretches more before brushing out her long hair with her fingers for a second, she looked around the bed and saw sprinkles, she grabs the plush and gentle places it in her lap "I feel ok.. Just sleepy, but I'm awake now"

"That's good! How about we get you all clean and dressed hm? We gotta all set before we head to the surprise" Bell things about it

"Hmm.. I guess" Charlotte put her hands together in a gentle clap and got up "awesome! And while I wash you how about we wash sprinkles to so she can with hm? " Bell nods and lift up her arms in a pick up motion. Charlotte coos at this and picks Bell up along with sprinkles. 

She walked out of Lance room and shot the door gentle as she walked to the bathroom on the other side of the hall, she gentle placed Bell down making Bell let out a small groan. Charlotte kissed her head "ok, now you stay right here while I go put her in her bathtub! " she holds sprinkles.

Bell nods and rubs her eyes as she hen sits on the toilet seat and kicks her legs, with that Charlotte walked out of the bathroom and down to the last room on the left in the hall, it had a washer and dryer, she then put sprinkles in the washer gentle and put everything needed in it before starting it. She walked down to Bells room.

She gose ahead and grabs a new pair of clothing for Bell then a pull up as she then walked up to the bathroom and saw Bell yawning as she sat on the seat and kicked her legs. She smiled "alrighty little lady I'm back, now let's get you all clean" she set bells clothes and pull up on the sink counter before going up to pick up Bell and place her down gentle.

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