" Ms. charlotte " (chapter 21)

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( mention of se*ual assault and ab*se! It doesn't happen but it is lightly mention along with mu*der!,

Lance sat outside as he sighed and looked at his phone before he open it to the call app, he clicked a number and it started to ring. He waited.

After a few rings a deep women's voice spoke "Lancey!! " she sounded excited "how's my little brother?! "

He chuckled "well I'm doing good... Just, I need to talk to you before we decided you can stay over for a bit.. I have a um.. Guest who --" she cut him off

"A guest? Oh, you know that won't bother me!"

He sighs " Charlotte listen it's not that I mean-" he groans and takes a deep breath before speaking

"so let me just explain something first.. A know someone who I may have been hired to kill but I just couldn't, I started to watch her and come to find out the person that hired me was abusing her.. And a lot more of worse things, and he wouldn't stop until she was dead-- I grew quite a liking to her.. So I um.. Took her and she Is also a age regressier and I wanted to make her happy so I am babying her and well the house is baby proof and stuff I just, thought I should tell you--"

There was silence for a free second before he could hear a sigh "so, your fucking telling me you kidnaped someone!? "

He glups "well I mean, kinda? "

She groans "Lance what the actual fuck, have you been doing drugs!? "

What no! " he yelled through the phone

"Look, I get it so I'm not.. To mad just wish you talked to me about this first, I understand why you did it though. Does Ray know? "

"Well... Ya he helped me plan it and helped me make her a room-- but we also figure since you are a caregiver you might wanna baby her to or try and make her feel more comfortable? She is in a tiny head space right now because yesterday she heard her so called boyfriend that he wanted me to kill her and he said some other bad stuff... "

She stays quite for a few seconds before she spoke "ok, I can do that. Just make sure you keep her claim and happy so she doesn't think to much about that brick, ill have a few words for him. In fact I have a few things in store for that ass hole-"

Lance chuckled "trust me I wanted to kill him the other day but I don't want his death leading to me so it will have to wait a little, then we can go at him ok? "

"Ok ok fineeee but in this case if I can stay for a month or two , I'll come over tomorrow since I'm already half way to that town "

"Mm alright, oh! That means we are gonna need you to babysit her when I have to go back to school, I feel like she will be more comfortable with you then my male friend you know? "

"Ya of course, I don't mind. But for now I gotta go, at least now I know and I can go get some cute gifts for her! I have honestly been wanting to spoil a little one so just send me her sizes and such. But any who I love you little bro , I'll call later ok? "

He yawned "will do heh and sounds good, love you to Charlotte " he hung up and put his phone in his pocket

"That was.. Easier then I thought, thank god" he smiled and walked to the front door opening it up "Hey I'm back how's everything go--" he was caught off when he looked at Ray and Bell.

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