"i got you!!" (chapter 33)

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After the movie was over Bell was still wide Awake and was jumping around to the end credit music, this made Lance laugh and smile, he got up and started to clean the living room. He took the bowels and her sippy cup that was empty , he took them to the kitchen and started to clean and as he did that Bell was in the living room looking for another movie along with holding sprinkles, she had her paci on the couch, she still hadn't touched it.

Lance soon got done cleaning up and walked back into the living room, when he looked Bell was jumping on the couch and singing along with the intro music to Princess and the Frog. Lance smiled and walked over, he picked Bell up which caught her by surprise but she relaxed and yawned. "Hm seems like some little bunny is sleepy" he chuckled as Bell shook her head "no! Not even a little "

"Hmm if you say so" he kisses her for head "how about one more movie but you gotta take your sleeping meds ok? " Bell nodded "Mm! One more movies and a soda? " she smiled

Lance smiles "why not, only this once ok? It won't be a every night thing, soda isn't good " Bell giggled and held onto to him "yay!! Soda!"

Lance kissed her for head and puts her back on the couch gently. He smiled "I'll go get your soda and medicine ok? " Bell nods and smiles as she rolls over on the couch and curls up in her blanket.

Lance heart was beating fast, he just couldn't believe that she was finally warming up and feeling safe around him, was this a a dream?If it wasn't he didn't wanna wake up. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a coke and her sleeping meds before walking back to the living room and placing the soda on the coffee table and holding out the pill for Bell. She looked up and then grabbed the soda, she opened it and takes the pill, she takes it and drinks the sod.

"Good girl, I'm proud of you" he smiled.  Giggled and then stood up on the couch. "BAMS! " she takes sprinkles and throws her at Lance, she laughed "retreat sprinkles!! " she grabbed sprinkles and ran to the other side of the couch and grabbed a nerf gun in the toy box. Lance eyes widen and it took him a second to recall what just happened, he laugh

"Oh I'm gonna get you! " he runs over but Bell giggled and shots the nerf gun, she giggled and held sprinkles as she ran into the kitchen

"Oh! Now your done! "He chuckled and grabbed another nerf gun " I'm gonna get ya princess! I'm the big scary alien who's gonna get ya! " he walked into the kitchen and looked for her "Hmm.. Where could my princess be?.. " he walked to the table "under the table!? " be looked but she wasn't there

"Hm, maybe not.. I guess I'll have to look in her room-" Bell couldn't help but giggle, Lance looked back in the kitchen and smiled, the giggling was coming from a cabinet by the fridge. He walked over and opened it, Bell screamed but laugh

"BOO! " Lance yelled and laughed, Bell goes to shoot him with the nerf gun but he grabs Bell and picks her up. He swings her up and kisses her cheek "I got you!! Princess is all mine! " he laughed. Bell giggled "Dada!! " His eyes widen, he hadn't heard her call him that, it's been.. A good while. His eyes were wide but they soften "aww! My pretty little baby! " he holds her and the nerf gun.

She yawns and wraps her arms around him "dada.. " she rubs her eyes and lays her head on his shoulder, he rubs her back as he starts to walk down the hallway, she hugs sprinkles and him.

"Sleepy bunny hm? " he smiled. She yawns "here let's get you to bed princess" she nods

"I sleep in dadas rooms?.. " she mumbles half asleep

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