Chirtsmas day (chapter 29)

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It was around 5 in the morning when Charlotte had woken her up. Lance was in her room as well , but uncle Ray must have been in the living room. Charlotte had picked Bell up and held her on her hip "Morning little Bunny" she smiled and booped Bells nose. Bell giggled slightly and spitted out her paci into her hands "morns.. " she mumbled still sleepy.

Lance walked over holding Bells outfit and a pull up "Morning little one, guess what today is? " Bell turned her head
"Hmmms.. Sundays?" Bell asked. This made Charlotte and Lance chuckle as they shook there head

"It's Christmas princess! " he picked up sprinkles out her crib and handed her to Bell. Bells eyes widen as she gasped and held sprinkles "Christmas!! " she giggle and held onto to Charlotte. They nodded and smiled as Lance took the paci in Bells hand gently "I'll hold this for you while aunty Charlotte gets you ready ok? Then we can see what Santa got you! " Bell nodded and kicked her legs slightly.

Charlotte walked Bell over to a pink changing table and laid her down as she undid her onesie and took off her diaper and socks. She cleaned Bell up, while doing so Bell stayed still this time and hugged sprinkles. Lance handed Charlotte the outfit along with the pull up, she pulled it up on Bell before throwing the old diaper away. She then helped Bell sit up as she started to dress her, while doing so she seem to be humming a folk like song.

Lance smiled "Now look how cute you are princess" he kissed the top of Bells head "now I'm gonna head to help Ray ok? " Bell nodded and waved bye as lance handed her back her paci. Bell popped it back in her mouth and yawned. She put her hands up "uppys? " Charlotte giggled "of course" she picked Bell back up as she grabbed the hair brush and started to brush Bells hair down, after brushing it she put Bells hair in a low pigtails. She smiled "all done! "

 She smiled "all done! "

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Bell giggled and smiled

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Bell giggled and smiled. Charlotte held her up and grabbed her paci for her as she put it in Bells mouth, Bell held onto her and sprinkles as she yawned and leans her head on Charlottes shoulder, she sucked on the paci.

"Alrighty missy let's go" she takes her upstairs to the living room, it was filled with a tree and lights along with gifts, even half eaten cookie and a cup of drank milk. There was even a little bit of snow prints of big boots so it looked like Santa had been there. Bell looked around a bit amazed"lights! " Ray, Lance and Charlotte chuckled. "That's right princess" Lance said as he walked over and held his hands out "Is it ok if I hold you? " Lance asked. Ray watched as he smiled and started to grab Bells a pink fluffy blanket that had a real looking cat that was shooting lazers, he walked over and wrapped Bell up, it seemed to be really cold in the house and outside, even with the heat on "thank yous.. " Bell said as she then looked at Lance and nodded "Mm, you cans " Soon as she said that Lance picked her up out of Charlottes arms and smiled "Thank you princesses, ready to open gifts? " she giggled and nodded

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