bedtime (chapter 14)

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About half a hour had went by and Bells medicine had kicked in, she was starting to get more sleepy. She yawned and rubbed her eyes as she laid back on the couch.

Lance looked over hearing the small girl yawns. He smiled and got up "looks like some bunny is sleepy, " he chuckled "alright time for bed alright bunny? " he goes to pick her up but she smacks his hand away

"I-i can stand up myself... And I'm not tried " she huffs as she stands up and stretches.

"Hay remember behave please, no need to be so mean. Now come on little one bed time" he went to the kitchen grabbing her sippy cup and putting ice water in it, she followed right behind him and watch him put water.

"Can I have like.. Soda or something? Or juice? I don't want water" she mumbled.

"Hm? " Lance turn to look behind him, he chuckled "soda huh? I'm sorry little one but no soda, you can have Apple juice for now ok? It's not gonna be a every night thing but I think you deserve it tonight, it's been a hard day for you" she nods and smiled a little, happy she wasn't getting water.

Lance switches the water for cold apple juice then closing it and handing the sippy cup to her. She looked up at him then took it and walked to her room following Lance, she thought about running to the door but the doors were all locked and Ray had the keys so she didn't have a choice right now.

Once In the room he picked her up putting her in the white and pink crib. Bell just huffs and lets him, she sits in the crib looking at him "d.. Do I have to sleep in this?... I can just sleep in a normal bed you know. "

"Yes you do bunny, you could fall or something in your sleep and get hurt" he kissed her for head and she moved back. He sighs but smiled "do you need a change before bed bunbun?" he asked looking down at her.

She shook her head "no, I'm fine... Now, can you turn on the tv so I can sleep please?... " he smiled and nods as he takes the remote and turn on my little pony. He puts your remote in a high place so she couldn't change it "ok, everything is set. Now, I better not catch you out the crib ok? "

Bell groans "blah blah, ya ya whatever" he pets her head and head to the stairs "goodnight sweet pea, I love you sweet dreams bunbun, just call for dada if need me ok? "

"Just gooooo" she yawns and he chuckled as he turns off the lights and walked out locking the door from the outside, he walked to his room getting into sweat pants and a tank top as he laid down turning off the lights falling asleep.

Bell sad laying in the crib the sippy cup by her and a paci by her. She hasn't notice but he had put in the crib for her. She just sighs and clings to the bunny plush, she didn't like that it came from lance but it look just like the one she had at home so she got attached to it. Soon enough though she had laid down and had fallen asleep, cover up in a blue care bear blanket. Weirdly though it was the same one she had as a kid so it was a bit comforting but scary, the thought of him stalking her almost kept her up all night but she soon fell asleep. She had her thumb in her mouth and the paci was on the floor.. She had threw it. 

The tv played all night my little pony but it wasn't loud, it just was really there for the light and noise. Soon enough morning came just as fast as night did.

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