"Keys" chapter (27)

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After a long night everyone had fallen asleep, Bell in Charlotte's room cuddling up to her and sprinkles.

Soon enough though Bell had woken up around 6 in the morning, she yawned and rubbed her eyes as she sat up and looked around the room. She saw Charlotte still sleeping so she slowly climbed off the bed and held sprinkled as she tipped toed to the door.

She looked back before she slowly started to open the door and leave the room as she shut the door gently. She walked into the hallway as she slowly walked out into the living room as she looked around. She saw the coat hanger but no coat.. She sighed but went into the kitchen and started to gently move things around looking for keys. 

Soon enough she found a small black and sliver looking pair of car keys that looked to have the house keys as well, they were in a shelf next to the fridge, she smiled and gripped them tight as she then turn to walk away but.. The sound of a door cracking open slowly started to start.

Bells eyes widen, she looked at the keys and hide them in her hoodie pocket. She then turn to a shelf and acted as if she was trying to grab a cup.

Lance yawned as he rubbed his eyes and walked into the kitchen turning on the lights "Ray?.. " he mumbled as he looked around but saw Bell, his eyes widen a bit "Hey princess- what are you doing so early?.. Are you ok? " he asked worried as he walked closer, Bell flinched slightly and this made him sigh.

"I'm really sorry about yesterday hun.. I had no right being that mad and mean to you.. I truly just want to make you happy so I'm so sorry. Please forgive me.. I know it will take time to trust me even more but I'm still really sorry--" he looked down at Bell with a pleading look on his face, as if he was begging Bell to forgive him.

She looked up at him and sniffled as she rubbed her nose with her hoodie sleeves. "Okies.. I forgive you... "

Lance smiles slightly "thank you hun- now.. How come your out here so early? -"

"I was thirsty.. Im trying to get my sippy cup but I can'ts... It to high-" she pointed to the shelf as she tiped toed, the shelf seem to have been hand made to be a lot taller then Bell, as if Lance made sure they were to high for her.

"Aw I see, well here I'll get it for you ok? " he smiled. She nodded and backed out the way for him, he walked over to the shelf and opened it as he pulled out a pink bunny sippy cup, he walked to the fridge and placed the sippy cup on the counter as he looked through the fridge "what would like princess? "

"Can I has appys juice please? -" she mumbled as she looked over at him, she knew she would have to act all innocent at least right now to get away with the keys.

"Of course! " he smiled as he pulled out the Apple juice and open the sippy cup, pouring it into the sippy cup, he closed them both and put the Apple juice back in the fridge then closed the cup and handed it to Bell. She held sprinkles up for him to hold, he smiled and held her as she smiled and held the sippy cup with both hands as she started to drink it.

"Thank yous" she yawned and rubbed her eyes.
"No problem princess" he ruffled her hair.
"You should probably head back to bed ok? You still seem really sleepy. Would you like to sleep in your room or no princess? "

"My rooms please" she mumbled through drinking the juice, Lance chuckled and picked her up "of course" he walked down the hallway down to the basement and open the door walking to the crib, he laid Bell down as he yawned and covered her up.

"Alrighty little one, I'll be in my room so yell if you need me ok? I'm gonna get a shower and get breakfast ready " he kissed her for head and handed her back sprinkles then turned on the tv to morning cartoons for her, he soon left and shut the door not locking it this time.

She nodded and curled up closing her eyes as she clings to sprinkles and the sippy cup, she then took the keys and put them under her pillow hidden just in case. Bell didn't count on actually getting sleepy but soon enough she ended up falling asleep with the sippy cup in her mouth.

After some time it was around 11 in the morning, Charlotte had been up by now and was helping the boys clean and get everything ready for everybody to eat. This time they left the tv on for breakfast and deleted the news channels.

Ray walked down to Bells room as he walked in, he slowly walked over and took the sippy cup putting it away and gently picking her up. He smiled as she slowly opened her eyes. She yawned and looked at him confused. He smiled and started to walk upstairs back to the kitchen "morning kiddo, it's time for breakfast. We let you sleep in so you could get a few more hours but it's time for breakfast now" he smiled and walked into the kitchen sitting her down in her pink chair.

Charlotte and Lance just got done setting up the table, they sat down and so did Lance.

Charlotte smiled "Hi sweetie, how did you sleep? I heard you got up really early-"

Bell nodded "Mmm's I wanted Apple juice.. But I went back bed afters" she yawns and started to eat.

Lance added "she did and she looked so adorable, I took her back to bed after, she had a long day " he eats as well as everyone else.

Bell notice the tv was off so she didn't say anything as she ate.

Ray felt how awkward everything felt so he spoke "so any plans for today Lance and Charlotte? -"

Charlotte smiled "Well I'm thinking of heading to the store and getting some clothes and some stuff for little bunny here" she smiled and petted Bell's head, this made Bell giggle slightly as she kicked her legs.

Lance finished eating, he got up putting his dish up "im gonna try and spend the day with Bell since I have work and school tomorrow- sadly" he started to wash his sink.

"Ah that's right, means I have work tomorrow. You can handle Bell right Charlotte? " Ray added.

Charlotte chuckled "of course I can, me and little lady get along perfectly" she smiled and finished her food, so did Bell and Ray. Ray took his plate and Bells and Charlotte's, he helped Lance wash them as Charlotte got up picking up Bell.

"Alright little lady, would you like to take a shower and have me dress you for today? " Bell thought for a minute before nodded and smiling. Charlotte ruffled her hair and walked to the bathroom placing Bell down and helping her get undress then in the shower, she put bubbles in the bath as well as some toys. She started to help wash Bell.


((( Hi guys, I wanna apologize for why I've been gone.. I have lost 3 best friends in the space of only three months so it's been taken a toul on me. I just lost my cat yesterday and I'm not taking it vary well.   But I'm trying, but any who I wanna say thank you all for waiting for me and taking time. The story will continue I promise it's just taking me time since my mental health has not been good at all. But I will try and write the next part either tonight or tomorrow but thank you all for reading my story so far and liking it I really appreciate it I would love to know what your thoughts are on my story))

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