Don't cry little one (chapter 11)

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Bell tried her hardest to hold back tears as she watches the tv screen, the news man talking about her missing and her family begging her to come home..

Soon enough though Lance could hear sniffles and wines while he was in the kitchen "Bunny?.. What's wrong? " he puts a sippy cup down on the table as he walked to the living room and sits by Bell.

She looked at him coldly and pushed him "i-i wanna go home damnit! Why did you do this!? " Bell yelled at him with tears falling down her face. Lance sighed as he stands up

"bunny...please don't cry, I did this for you little one. You deserve to be happy you deserve to have a life without worry I love you" he smiled and walked closer putting his hand on her cheek.

Bell slapped his hand away "don't touch me freak!! You kidnap me a-and n-now I w-wont every s-see my family!! " she started to pant, her breathing getting heavy but at the same time she felt like she wasn't getting air, she could feel her chest tighten, her head was getting light again.

Lance eyes widen but he stays quite before looking down at her "done? ' he asked and crosses his arms " you need to claim down little one, your breathing is getting bad again.. " he grabs a paci out of his pocket, it was pink and had a my Melody paci clip, he puts it in her mouth.

Her eyes widen, she did feel a lot claimer with the paci but she didn't wanna just let him win so she yanked the paci out "i-i don't want this! "

Lance glared at her giving her a stern look . He kept his arms crossed "bunny... Please behave. I really don't wanna have to punish you, you just got here after all. So please put the paci back and watch some cartoons ok love? I even got some stuffies for you" he grabs the remote changing the channel to Spongebob. Bell sniffles just Watching him.

He looked back at her giving her that stern look, a look you know that won't end well if you don't behave.

Bell rubs her eyes and stays quite as she pops the paci back in her mouth, he smiled "see? Good girl" he clips it to her shirt and kissed her for head. "Not to hard to behave now is it? " he chuckled "now little one, I'm gonna get some breakfast for us since you haven't ate much. That means I need you to stay sitting in one spot on this couch and behave ok? " he looks down at her.

Bell just sits back down on the couch not saying a word to him. She just sniffles and crosses her arms. Lance chuckled "stubborn huh? "

He goes to a small pink box he had behind the couch and pulled it out. It was full of toys and stuff animals along with coloring books and markers. He puts the box near her "here you go bunny. Some toys for you to play with while Dada Cook's ok? Would you like your sippy cup to? "

Bell looked down at the pink box by her feet then up at him, she just chewed and sucked on the paci as she looks at him coldly

"Well? Use your words bunny"
Bell huffs and just nods no as she looks at the tv, she crossed her legs on the couch and watched Spongebob now not looking at him.

Lance sighs and pets her head "ok, well I'll be back, remember bunny be have and you better not throw a fit while I'm in that kitchen" he walked out going to the kitchen. Bell slowly turned her head watching him

"Blah blah blah blah" bell mumbled though the paci, she mocked him but quietly.

Lance could hear this though and he chuckled at it. He gets into the kitchen and started to make some eggs and bacon , he makes him self a cup of orange juice then putting some in a pink bunny sippy cup then putting two plates and his cup, her sippy cup and two forks at the table. All this took around 20 mins. So by now Bell was claim and was still chewing on the paci as well as cuddling a pink stuffie that was in the box. She was laying down Watching cartoons.

"Bunny! Breakfast is done, come here please" he called for her. Bell sighs and takes out the paci looking at it before ripping it off her shirt and throwing it to the floor, she huffs and leaves the stuff bunny on the couch.

She walked into the kitchen "I'm not hungry.. " she looked up at him, she had crossed arms.

Lance looked down at her "Bunny. We just talked about this. Where is your paci? And you have to eat, you haven't ate in two days love"

"I don't care! I'm not hungry!.. "  Lance walked over to her and popped her bottom, "!! " her eyes widen and she jumped "hay! " she yelled at him as she moved away.

"Well. Are you gonna listen or do you need no more tv time. Hm? "

She looked at him and held back tears, she was still upset, of course she would be. "Whatever... " she mumbled and walked to the table sitting down at the chair with a pink plate and the sippy cup in front of it. "I.. I'm not drinking out of that.. "

Lance sits down across from and started to eat "hm? " he stops once she spoke though "why little one? You usually love drinking out your sippy cups, I even got your favorite color, is it the wrong color? " he looked worried , he did care about her. He really did, he just wanted her to be safe and happy, he was trying his hardest. He had been for years trying to get everything ready.

"I-i only did it in my home and sometimes! But this is different! " she looked over at him "favorite color or not! Y-you kidnap me and put me in a damn diaper and put a paci in my mouth! T- this is embarrassing! Not even just that! Your not my daddy or dada or caregiver!! "

Lance looked at her. His eyes just water up a little "I'm sorry bunny, but it's for the best I promise. And it can't be that embarrassing you would always post about your age regression and on top of all that I just wanna keep you safe. I love you. So much, I wanna take care of you-"

Bell felt a little bad for making him upset but she tries to push those feelings down "I don't care!... "

Lance takes a deep breath and cleans his eyes claiming down "bunny... Please.. Listen or else I take the tv out your room. Means no night light. So please just claim down and drink your orange juice ok? "

Bell didn't like the dark, in fact she couldn't handle it. It just, scared her to much. And when it was quite it made it worse. So she huffs and just stays quite as she started to eat. After eating, she drank out the pink sippy cup, her throat did hurt anyway from the yelling and crying.

"Thank you pumpkin.. "  he smiles

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