H. E. R. (chapter 2)

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Lance couldn't take it, he couldn't get his heart to slow down. It just kept racing as he got closer. Once only a foot away from the girl he tapped her shoulder. The small girl jumped up "!! " her eyes widen and she turned around to see who behind her. She saw a tall scary looking man as she looked up at him "o-oh um hello, I'm sorry I'm in the way of the gate aren't I? Heh my apologies" she mumbled nervously as she moved out the way. The pale looking girl had on a black and pink skirt that was a bit higher then her knees,she also had on one leg a black and white thigh high sock while the other leg a pink and white thigh high. Under the thigh highs where ripped fish nets and above all that she had black boots that made her a little taller then her normal height. Her top was a black sweater with pink hearts on it with little heart chains on the end of the shirt. Her neck had on at least three different necklace ,all different. She then had on a black choker like caller on. She had on two little earrings that where shaped like hearts and her makeup was simply not a lot only eyeliner and black pink eye shadow and black reddish lipstick. She also had two small white bunny hair clips on her hair that had pink bows.

This girl was named Bell. She was 5'1 and a bit chubby, she has long brown hair going past her shoulders , her hair was cut into layers while she had short but not to short bangs.

Lance looked down at the small girl , his pale face was turning a slight pink. Bell looked at the man confused until he shook his head.

"No no of course not, your fine trust me" he smiled showing his sharp teeth a little while he smiled at the small woman.
"I was just wondering if you are lost, you look new and lost so I figured I come help"

Bell smiled back as she looked up at the man "Ah I see, thank you heh.. " she laughed nervously
"I am lost if I'm being honest, I just arrived and they didn't really tell me my way around the school" she looked down embarrassed at the fact that she was lost.

Lance started to walk to the gate of the school and took out a card from his laptop bag and scanned it across a black looking box with a red screen but it turned green once it scanned the card.

"Coming? " the man looked back at the small woman with a smile.

"Mm! " the nodded in return and runs over to him, the gates open and lance walks through them with bell following right behind him.

"I'm lance by the way" he said as he slowed down so the small woman would be next to him whilst the walk.

"Lovely to meet you lance " she smiled "I'm Bell, or Bella heh either or" she said as she walked beside the man

They both reached the doors of the school, lance opens the doors for Bell and let's her walk in first.

"Thank you" she said as she looked back at him as he walked in.

"No problem Bell. Hay so did they give you your schedule? " he asked as he looked down at her, they walked down the quite and empty hallway.

She nodded her head yes

"Yep! But.. Not to sure where is where.. " she looked down as she followed behind lance, almost like a lost puppy wanting to find a home.

"Well that's ok Bell, I know my way around so just let me see the papers and I can help"
She nods and pulls a paper out her pocket and unfolding the paper handing it to him. Lance really did want to help her find her classes. But more of importantly he wanted to see if they had the same classes.

"Hmm... " a small mutter came from his lips but she couldn't make it out. "What's wrong? " she asked him

"Well Bell.. " a huge grin appear on his face "happens that we have the same classes"

Bell looked up at him, she felt a cold feeling down her spin when he grins but she didn't wanna think badly.

"That's great! Now I have someone to help me find my way around this hell" she laughed a little. He chuckled

"Yep, now I don't have to walk down the hallways alone to so that's pretty good to" he smiled.

"Mmm! " she smiled and hums as she follows. Lance looked down for a minute and see she didn't have a bag

"Hey where is your laptop bag? " he asked confused

"Oh um.. Well I don't have one yet so I'm just carrying stuff in my pockets.. "

"Ah, tsk tsk" he pets her head "good thing you met me, I have a few bags left I can let you have one if you want shortie " he smiled

"Really? -- wait no, I mean.. Thank you but I would feel bad for not being able to pay you for it"

"Psss, please you don't have to pay anything I promise, I don't need them anyway so come on, bunny"

Her eyes widen for a moment when she heard her nickname "h-hm? --" she looked up at him a bit worried "how do you know my nickname?... " she panicked for a minute, that was her Instagram name and her nickname ,she was worried he knew her age regression account. She couldn't have someone she knew in person find out she age regress.

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