The chocolate bar (chapter 8)

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Bell sighs as she leans back on a rock. Lance looked over at her before his phone beeped.

She looked over at him as he looks at his phone he got a message from Ray.

The text read :"lance where are you two? "

Lance sighed and text back :" we are just skipping today for a little I was wondering if I could get her today.

Ray text :"hm I guess we did stay up last night getting her stuff and making her room so I guess. I'll leave work now to get some more stuff for her"

Lance texted back alright before putting his phone in his bag

"What was that? You look worried, you alright? " Bell asked as she looked up at him

Lance looked down at her and smiled "everything's fine just was texting my brother nothing much " she smiled

"Alright if you say so" she leans back on the rock and closed her eyes

"So um.. I know we just met but I got you some chocolate when I stopped by the store to get my lunch" this was a lie of course, he had put something in this chocolate bar a day ago just in case this situation would happen.

"Aw thanks Lance" he pulled out a chocolate bar, it looked wrapped and not open at all, but what she didn't know was he had drugged the chocolate yesterday just in case.

She takes it once he hand it to her and opens it "want half? "

"Nah I'm ok, I got my own " he pulled out another chocolate bar it was normal. He opened his and ate half of his

"If you say so" she smiled and took a bite "so is Mr. Ray gonna get mad that you skipped? "

"Nope. He understands I have important stuff to do" he chuckled

Bell laughed a little "ah I see, and what's that? " she joked with him. She started to feel dizzy soon though. Her eye sight getting dark.

Lance stands up after seeing Bell get dizzy "why.. Taking care of my sweet baby.. " he grins as he looked down at her

Bells eyes widen and she tried to get up but fell over dropping her bag and chocolate "wh.... What the hell did you give me?! -" Bell yelled at him before she passed out completely.

Lance sighs before grabbing his bag and her's. A giant smile on face. He picked up Bell bridal style "oh my sweet little bunny.. So helpless and fragile.. Good thing you fell into my arms and not some crazy person" he chuckled.

Soon a black truck appears in front of the forest and Lance walked over fast as he open the back door putting bell in a car seat and putting the belts around her hips then her chest. Then he put her bag down by her then walked to the second front seat.

Lance open the door getting in "I finally did it"

Ray looked over at Bell in the bag and smiled "glad to see she is safe. " he started to drive

"Mm, she is.. I love her to much to let anything hurt her so, besides I don't wanna let anything hurt the love of my life"

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