"Dinner's ready! "(chapter 25)

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After about another hour Charlotte, Ray, Lancer were all done cleaning and cooking, at this Lancer decided to go get Bell.
"Alright, I'm gonna get Bell up and changed would you guys be ok to set the plates? "

"Of course don't worry" Charlotte said as she waved him off, she grabbed some plates and so did Ray.

"Thanks" Lancer smiled and walked out the kitchen then into the living room, picking up the new diaper and walking over to Bell, he sat it down by her and slowly nuged her "Hey sleepy head, dinners ready " Bell groans and rubs her eyes as she yawned, she sat up and dropped the paci out her mouth "dadas... " she put grabby hands up as she yawned and dropped her sippy cup as well.

"Aww, hi sleepy head" Lance picked her up as he smiled and held her in his arms "how'd did you sleep little one? " he asked as he moved her bangs out of her face.

"I sleeps otays... " she laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes.

"Aw, well that's good to hear. Did you go potty? " she shook her head

"Nuuus... " she mumbled, this made lance chuckled.

"Are you sure? " she nodded

"I supers sures.. " Lance looked at her "so if i check your gonna be dry? " she giggled and nodded

"I ish gonna be dry" she rubbed her eyes, Lance smiled and touched the bottom of her diaper "bunny, what did I say about lieing? "

She giggled "but I notssss" she looked up at him, Lance sat laid her down as he took off her bloomers and undid the onesie "remember bunny it's ok to tell Dada if you went ok? I won't be mad, besides that's what a diaper is for", she nodded, he undid the old diaper and put it to the side, then grabbed the clean on and put it under her then put the front up and put the tapes together "there you! All done! " he clipped the onesie back together and slid her bloomers back up and smiled "alrighty come on little one" he picked her up, she giggled and nodded "all dones! " she smiled and held onto him.

He smiled "that's right hunny bunny" he walked to the kitchen and sat Bell down on the table in her chair then sat in his chair. The table was set and everyone was just sitting down by there plates and cups, Ray and Charlotte were already talking about something and the living room tv was on. It seemed to be on the morning news.

Lance sat down and stretched before he started to eat his eggs "Sooo, how's the morning going for you two? And thanks for the breakfast it's amazing" he smiled.

Bell watched them as she started to pick up her pink fork and eats her eggs. She kicked her legs and hummed watching them. But she soon turned her head slightly to see the tv hearing the news man talk.

No one noticed this as the three siblings talked and started to catch up, Charlotte smiled as she sat back eating "thanks Lance, I had to teach Ray how to cook again" she chuckled "he some how burnt bacon and the pan" she laughed a little. This made Ray huff.

"Oh ya like you haven't, besidessss I got distracted" he chuckled as he continue to eat.

The sound of everyone voice started to fade from Bells ears as she listen closer to the news man.

"On today we have the mother of the missing girl from last week, she has some things she would like to say. " the man on the TV said. This made Bells eyes widen once she saw her mother show up on the screen crying.

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