"Home" (chapter 32)

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Soon enough charlotte had gotten her and Bell back home, but Bell had fallen asleep of course so charlotte parked the car, turned it off and got out going to Bells side. She undid the seat belts on the car seat and picked up Bell and the diaper bag. Charlotte seem to be really strong so it wasn't hard for her to pick up both.

She unlocked the door and walked in shutting it with her right leg and throwing the keys on the couch. She walked Bell over to the couch and gentle laid her down on her pink couch that was the perfect size for her. She then put the diaper bag into the hallway closet and grabbed a blanket. She walked over and covers Bell up as she smiled. "So fragile" she whispers as she looked at Bell.

She then grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, she had it on low as she flipped through channels and finding something to watch.

As time goes by it hit around 4 in the afternoon when Lance and Ray both came home, before they could make a sound of course charlotte put her finger to her lips "Shhh the babies sleeping" she smiled as she walked into the kitchen grabbing a sippy cup and putting apple juice in it.

Lance and Ray chuckled as they looked over at Bell. Ray walked into the kitchen putting his bag on the kitchen chair and walking to charlotte "how'd everything go? -" he whispers.

"Perfect-she made a friend and seem to open up more" she smiled and put the sippy cup in the fridge. Ray nodded and smiled.

Lance sat on the couch and groans as he messes with his long hair. He looked over at Bell and smiled. Soon enough Ray and charlotte walked into the living room.

"Hey so me and charlotte are gonna head to the store. Will you be alright watching Bell by yourself? " Ray asked as he grabbed the car
Keys to his truck.

Lance smiled "of course, I would love some alone time with her anyway. You guys take your time and be careful, oh! Also grab some more wipes please? "

"Alright sounds good, see you later Lance. Call us if you need anything else while we are there" charlotte said as her and Ray walked out to his truck and starting it up, then leaving.

Bell happen to wake up when she heard the sound of a truck starting, she yawns and turns around as she hugs sprinkles. She opens her eyes and see Lance. She huffs before turning to her other side showing him her back.

"Hi princess- I know you still are upset with me a little.. But " he got up and sat next to her head, he gently rubbed her head. "I missed you today, and I got you something today" he smiled and grabbed his bag as he goes through it and grabs something. He opens a small plastic bag "I got you some new stickers for you and some stuff so you can put them in your room"

Bell sniffles as she slowly looks up at the stickers. Lance chuckled and held them out "I got a bunch of different kinds to. Can you ask daddy to hand then to you? "

She rolls her eyes and pouts. She looks away "can I.. Please.. Ha-have the stickers.. Dada-" she yawns and he smiled "of course princess" he hands them to her and she looked at them. She smiled slightly at seeing the different kinds.

Lance stretched "do you like them? " Bell looked over and sat up as she yawned. She nodded and held the stickers and sprinkles.

"I'm glad! " he gets up and goes to Bell, he picked her gently. "Say, let's get you showered and changed then dinner hm? And after we can watch any movie you want little and, even if it's a scary movie. " he smiled.

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