Accident (chapter 13)

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Bell couldn't hold it in any more and before she notice she had went. But she started to tear up, she was embarrassed but she was also worried she would get hit or punished for making a accident, truth was she  used to use pull ups because she has a small bladder but her boyfriend at the time would scold her or even punish her for using it.

Bell started to whimper and cry as she covered her face, she was feeling tiny since she was getting all worked up and scared someone was gonna hurt her and her brain always turned to being small when it felt threaten or hurt.

Lance hears whimpers and cries, once he hears it he runs into the living room going to Bell "Bell?! What happened are you ok?! " he asked looking worried she hurt her self.

She stayed quite, only sobs and whimpers coming from her, her hands covering her eyes.

Lance notice the diaper seeing it soaked "oh bunny... Don't cry, it's ok  accidents happen, and besides that's what a diaper is for love-"

She cried "n-n-no! I no go potty i-i nu suppose to! " Bell was fighting to try and not be small but her worrying and flashbacks of her boyfriend/ caregiver was making it hard.

Lance walked over and picked her up"shhh, it's ok bunny" he pets her head and she flinched. "Aw, bunny.. I promise I'm not gonna hurt you. How about we go change you ok? And after how about some ice cream for being a good girl and letting me change you ok? "

Bell sniffles, she doesn't fight back when he picks her up. She goes quite and rubs her eyes trying to claim down "n... Nu hurts me?.. " bell sniffles and looks up at him.

His eyes widen, a bit shocked at how she was talking. Was she finally opening up and being smol? He didn't know but it made him happy ,he didn't like seeing her sad tho. He nods as he pets her "I promise love bug I'm not gonna hurt you, just change you ok? " she nods.

"Thank you bunny, then we can eat ice cream! I know mint chocolate chip is your favorite so I got some! "

Bell just nods and he walks down to her room, laying her down on the pink fluffy carpet, he pulled down the fluffy yellow bloomers he put on her the other night then undoes the diaper straps. Bell blushed and looked away

"Nothing to be embarrassed about bunny" he cleans her then puts a new diaper on her. It was a pink one with bunnies, after he put new bloomers on her a pair of pink ones and sits her up, once she was fully sitting up he changed her hoodie into a baby blue one. "All done baby! See? You did such a good job hunny bunny! "

Bell sniffles and rubs her eyes with the hoodie sleeves. She looks up at him with wide eyes, she did like the praise, she never really got it at home or from her caregiver boyfriend before. "I.. Ice cream?... "

He chuckled and nods "of course! You did a good job " he picks her up "I have another paci in the dresser over there for you, would you like it now bunny? "

She huffs and nods no "n-no!.. I.. I don't want any of that! Duh!.. I just want ice cream.. O-only reason I'm not biting and beating you up! Hmgh.. " lance laughed and pets her head as he walked out the room going up stairs to the kitchen "beat me up huh? You must be one strong cookie then bunny" he chuckled then sat her down on a pink chair by the table

Bell just huffs and cross her arms. She was trying to stay big but as you can see, that wasn't working now was it?

Lance gets a small pink and rainbow bowl with a baby blue spoon and puts 3 scoops of mint chocolate chip ice cream in the bowel then makes him self a bowl with a white bowl and normal spoon. He walked to the table and sat the bowls down, the pink one in front of her then he took a seat and started to eat his as he sat across from her.

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