"park?.. " (chapter 35)

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After breakfast Charlotte had scooped Bell up out of her chair and smiles "you did so well bunny! You ate all your breakfast and you have been so good all morning! " she kissed Bells cheek, this made Bell giggle, she couldn't help but to be all happy at the praise she was getting.

Bell smiled and hugged the purple bunny plush tight as she moves sprinkles would make a bell ringing sound, it's one of the things Bell really loved about sprinkles. Charlotte smiled and rubs Bells head "and I'm proud of sprinkles to for being so brave while getting cleaned and for eating to" Bell smiled and giggled

"She happy thens to" Bell mumbles as she hugs sprinkles.

"I'm glad then princess, now Daddy and uncle Ray got everything in the truck and ready to go, are you excited for the surprise ? "

"Hm... " bell shakes her yes but then no

"Aw hun, are you nervous it might be something bad or something you don't like? " Bell looks down at sprinkles and nods "Mm.. "

Charlotte rubs Bells head "I understand that sweet heart, but I pinkie promise it's nothing bad it's actually something really good" she holds Bell as she starts to walk out the house to Rays truck, Lance cleans up and turns off the lights and tv before grabbing his coat and his keys then walking out the door and locking the door. Bell looked around as Charlotte carried her to the back seat and in the middle of the back seats was a car seat perfect for her size, it was pink and black along with mlp characters all around it. Bells eyes widen a little seeing it, this was a new one from the one in Charlotte car.


( so I'm In the middle of writing this but I want to apologize for lately, my kitten just past away today and yesterday TW I was almost touched (not consent either) in the woods by a family friend who watched me grow up so I'm still shaken up by it, ik I'm taking forever and I'm so sorry, the story will continue tho that's for sure I love this story but anywho I wanted to apologize and I'm sorry if I'm a little slow this month is my bf and mine anniversary! but back to the story))

She didn't complain though to be honest, she liked the car seat, that and she didn't wanna fight right now.. Even though the back of her head was telling her to scream kick and run but she knew she wouldn't get far with how fast they are. In the mits of her thinking to herself Charlotte had put her in the car seat and buckled her up, she smiled and kissed Bells for head "alright sweetie I'm gonna be in the front seat driving and Ray will be next to me Dada will be next to you ok? " Bell wines but nods, she hugs onto to sprinkles and yawns  "aw, why not try and take a nap on the way there hm? " Bell shakes her head

"No sleepys.. " Bell mumbles but that was a lie and Charlotte could see through it and it made her chuckle "Hm is you say so little one, now stay put ok? " she smiled and shut the door after Bell nodded. She walks to the driver side and gets in, and as she does Ray gets done putting stuff up and gets in to the passenger seat and Lance walks over to the other side of Bell and gets in shutting the door, he seemed to have a small book bag with him it was Bells and had some toys and coloring book and crayons just in case she got board. He smiled at Bell

"Alrighty! Everyone in the car? " Charlotte asked as she started the car. Ray and Lance answer at the same time "Yep! " Bell shakes sprinkles which makes the plush jingle. This made the 3 smile and chuckle a little.

"Good to go then! " Charlotte smiled as she then pulled out the drive way and started to turn the car to the left and started to drive, she turns in the radio to one of the main channels that play new songs. Bell kicked her feet as she looked out the window, humming to her self as they seem to be driving deeper into the woods. She was confused but didn't question it. If they wanted to kill her they would have already so she wasn't worried. She just felt nice being out the house again and to finally be able to see the sun light and clouds, trees and just honestly world, it felt nice. She closed her eyes and leans in her car seat as she hugs sprinkles and hums to herself while the music play, she tapped her fingers on the window as well to match the music.

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